Question 8: Marco_And_Draco

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Alright, this time the question is....'Say Edward was actually a homunculus, how would you deal with him, being your 'Brother' and all?' O_o Edward brother? Oh hell no!!! I wouldn't deal with him at all! I would destroy his Philosopher's Stone while he slept!!! I can't have that pipsqueak shrimp being related to me!!! No, no, no, no, no!!!!! The thought of that is too horrible to bare! Why did you put those thoughts into my head?!?!

Hang on, if he was a homunculus, he would just regenerate, right? That means I can kill him over and over again!!! Oh yes!! That could work out great!! Killing the Fullmetal Shrimp over and over and over for the rest of time is my life long dream!!!

Right, I'm going to go ask Father if we can make another human-based homunculus!!! *Runs off excitedly*

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