Question 42: Shaden990

305 16 11

'Sooooo I dare you ask out Winry, she has to accept, you two go on a date and then you feel Ed's wrath. AND NO FORFEITING!!!'  Did I read that right!?!?!?! You want me to ask a human on a date?!?! And even worse, it's WINRY!!! You could have picked anyone but oh no you went and chose her!!! Lets just get this over and done with....... *Goes to Winry's house and knocks on the door*

Winry: *Opens the door*  "Envy? What are you doing here this time?"

*Starts sweating* I, um, well.....*Sighs* Will you go on a date with me?

Winry: *Sees Envy is genuine about the date* "I'm not sure I should, Ed would get pretty mad....."

Please? Just one date. I promise, then I won't bother you after that.

Winry: *Rolls her eyes* "Fine. Meet me at Madame Christmas's at 9:00pm. Don't be late" *Slams the door on Envy*

*Punches the air* Yes, alright! I can totally pull this off!! *Goes home to get ready*

~Time Skip to 9:00pm

Winry: *Is waiting for Envy outside Madame Christmas's* "Where is he? If he doesn't show soon I'm going to leave"

*Runs over to Winry* I'm here! Sorry I'm late! Um, shall we go in? *Holds the door open for Winry*

Winry: "Sure" *Walks inside*

*Goes in after her*

~The date starts

*Starts feeling sick because he realised that he is actually dating a human* Er, will you excuse me for a moment, I need to use the bathroom... *Gets up and runs to the toilets*

Winry: *Sighs* "Okaaaay....."

~After half an hour of Envy throwing up

Winry: *Looks at her watch* "This is ridiculous, he's still in there!! I'm leaving!!!" *Gets up and storms our angrily, bumping into Ed along the way*

Ed: *Sees shes really mad* "Hey, Winry, whats the matter?"

Winry: "Well... *She tells Ed what happened*

Ed: *Is also really angry* "That son of a-" *He cuts himself off before bursting inside the bathroooms to confront Envy*

*Is busy being sick*

Ed: *Goes up to Envy and punches him hard in the face*

*Falls over* Hey what was that for?!

Ed: For what you did to Winry!!! *Punches him again*

I didn't even want to date her, it was the stupid humans again!!!!!

Ed: *Grips Envy by the front of his shirt and pushed him against the wall* Don't give me that crap! *Transmutes his right-arm into a sword type spear thing and holds it to Envy's neck* DON'T YOU EVER HARM HER AGAIN!!!!!! *He drops Envy and leaves*

*Gets up dizzily* Oh man, that went worse than expected *passes out on the floor*

(Wow, that was a long post!!! XD)

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