Question 73: The_E364

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'Can you go to Xing and make Lan-Fan and and the king dude get together' Eh, sure, why not? I'm off to Xing!

~After several days of travelling

I'm here! Now, where would one find a Prince? Ah yes a castle! *Looks for a castle and happens find the one belonging to the Yao clan* Perfect..... *He walks up to the door of the castle and knocks. Lan-Fan opens the door.*

Lan-Fan: "Oh hello, Envy, what brings you to Xing?" 

Er, I just wanted to speak to you and Ling, if thats ok with you. 

Lan-Fan: "That should be fine, please follow me." *She starts walking and signals Envy to follow.*

*He follows her and is led into a large room with an open roof area so you can see the floor above, there are stairs at each end of the room leading up to the 1st floor. Ling is in the middle of the room talking to some people.*

Lan-Fan: "Prince, sorry to disturb you but Envy from Amestris is here." *She bows to Ling*

Ling: "Thats quite alright Lan-Fan." *He turns to the people he was talking to* "Please excuse us for a moment." *The people leave*

*Envy feels awkward being in such a civilised place*

Ling: "So, what is it you wanted to talk to us about?"

Er, well I just wanted to see how you guys were, if you've got a partner yet; you know, normal human things like that.

Ling: "I myself do not have a partner as of yet but I do have someone in mind."

Lan-Fan: "You do?! Oh, um, sorry Prince, I shouldn't have burst out like that."

Ling: "It's fine, Lan-Fan."

*Envy inwardly smirks to himself. Lan-Fan is clearly envious of this 'partner' that Ling has in mind*

So, what about you Lan-Fan, do you have someone?

Lan-Fan: *She regains her composure* "No, I have no-one."

Oh, I'm sorry about this but can I please use your bathroom? *Lan-Fan tells him where it is.* Thanks. *He rushes up the stairs and looks down at Ling and Lan-Fan. Lan-Fan is asking about this other woman.*

Lan-Fan: "So, what is she like?"

Ling: "Well, she's very smart, strong, kind, loving and just all things great really. She would make a perfect Princess."

Lan-Fan: *Mutters under her breath* "I'm sure she would...*

*Envy uses this moment and stretches his hand infront of him and starts transforming the end of it into mistletoe. The mistletoe lowers down until it is above Ling and Lan-Fan.*

Ling: *He looks up and sees Envy who winks at him, Ling smiles.* "Mistletoe.... Lan-Fan will you grant me a kiss?"

Lan-Fan: *She is shocked and pleased by the question but she remains mad at him* "But what about this 'Perfect Princess of yours?"

Ling: *Laughs* "Your that 'Perfect Princess' Lan-Fan" *He kiss her on the lips.* 

 *Envy grins.* Mission sucess *He turns his arm back to normal and walks out the door quietly, leaving Ling and Lan-Fan to be together.*

(Aww, that was one of the sweetest things I've ever written for this book :D)

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