Question 65: Dragons103 & LivingAnarchy

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  • Dedicated to Both the people credited

(I'm being a bit different here. Two of the dares I got given were very similar so I have decided to combine them. Thanks again to @LivingAnarchy and @Dragons103 for allowing me to do this :D)

Question by Dragons103: 'You should pull some pranks on the disguising yourself as Mustang and say insulting words to Hawkeye or something!' Question by LivingAnarchy: 'You should act like Hawkeye and kill Mustang. Or maybe the other way, I dunno. Maybe you don't like being a girl after...(Chapter 57)' -_- I hate being called a girl.... But all in all, that plan sounds fun! What could possibly go wrong! *Changes into Roy and walks right in through the military front doors. He makes his way up to the firing range where he knew Riza was most likely to be. See's Riza and inspects her shooting* Hmm, not bad for a rookie.

Riza: *Stands up and salutes* "With all due respect Sir, you know very well that I am not a rookie and I would appreciate it if you would respect my rank. "

No, no, take no heed to my words. I wasn't supposed to say that to your face, I accidentally let it slip. It's just that your performance has been..... rather lacking, lately.

Riza: *Looks as though she is refraining from strangling him* "I am sorry that you feel that way but I must insist that you take a look at my statistics. My level of accuracy is higher than anyone else in the force."

It's not hard to beat amaturs....

Riza: *Her left eye starts twitching* "If you have an issue with my performance, might I ask that you file a formal complaint about me that gets checked by the standards team. Then, and only then, will I consider improving my skills." *She folds her arms*

Why go to all that hassle when I can just eliminate the problem now? *Pulls a knife out on Riza*

Riza: Roy! What on earth are you doing!? *She gets ready to draw her gun.*

I'm just a bit green with Envy, thats all! *Starts grinning and goes to attack Riza*

Riza: *Realises that it's Envy and aims her gun straight for where his Philosopher's stone is.* Don't move Homunculus! No one gets the better of Riza Hawkeye!

*Envy freezes, he can't risk his stone being damaged.* Damn it! I shouldn't have boasted that it was me! I've been spending too much time around Pride....

(Hawkeye rules!)

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