Lips Of An Angel

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Chapter Songs:
She talks to Angel - The Black Crowes
Angel Down - Lady Gaga
Take Me To Church - Hozier

Kylo walked beside you along the outside down the sidewalk. He seemed to almost float as his long legs carried him. No one had ever asked to walk you home before. Even after dates the guys would drop you off and speed their sports cars down the street, after they'd try and feel up your dress. "I only live about two blocks away. You can go back to Hux if you want." Kylo stopped walking, looking at you, confused.

His face was crumpling up, as he watched you turn back to face him. "Do you not want me to walk with you?" He genuinely looked hurt. Coming up to him, grabbing his arm to comfort him, you smiled up. "No, no! I just thought you might not want to walk all the way down and all the way back." You let go and shrugged. "I just don't like to bother people."

"You could never bother me. Making sure you're safe definitely isn't bothering me." He turned towards the direction of your house. "So tell me Princess. Where might I run into you, say, tomorrow around breakfast?" He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, kicking the toe of his boots into some leaves.

Following his lead and walking only on the fallen leaves, you tiptoed. "I may be back at the coffee shop. Rey and I debrief the evening activities there. We plan the next segment and gather leads. I've been following this string of killings on the West end. Several people have been found in alleys, stabbed and throats slit. Very strange." You stopped. Looking at Kylo you got a scared look on his face. Hesitant, you took a step back.

Kylo stopped realizing you had ceased the crunching. "I can promise you I am not this alleyway killer. I'm far from that." Chuckling, he held his hand towards you.

You decided to take it. Letting your fingers slide in between his, you felt a spark. His large hand swallowed yours completely. His large fingers intertwining with your delicate ones. "I don't think I've ever just held someone's hand before." Kylo confessed. Smiling down at your shoes, you continued stepping on the leaves. Not wanting him to feel embarrassed at such a statement, you just squeezed his hand in silence.

You walked hand in hand for the rest of the block. He led you up the steps to your building, letting you take the step above him. Spinning around you felt yourself taking his hands in your again. Looking at him at his eye level, your face came closer to his. "We should be at the coffee shop in the morning. I normally get there around nine." He let go of your hands and placed them on your hips. He pulled you closer to him, and your arms slid up, almost instinctively. Your hands wrapping themselves around his massive shoulders, reaching up into his long hair that danced above your fingers.

Kylo bent his head down to yours, letting his forehead rest against yours. The urge to kiss you was too powerful. A hand slithered its way up your back, and up onto your shoulder. It came to your neck and he urged it forward. You closed your eyes, and Kylo caught sight of your eyelashes. They fluttered shut and begged to be kissed. He placed his palm on your neck and tilted your face to his.

The moment your lips touched, electricity shot through your bodies. The sun shone brighter on the two of you, as your lips parted, and time stood still. Your hands grabbed his hair, fingers fought through the long tendrils.

Kylo tried his hardest to not give into his thoughts. To kick open your door, carry you in, and fuck you on every surface until you both collapsed in a heap of unconsciousness. He kissed you deeply, letting his tongue find yours. Your body pressed into his, molding into him like putty. His long fingers cradled your face back, pulling your lips deeper into his kiss.

Fallen | AU Angel Kylo Ren x Reader Where stories live. Discover now