Stairway to Heaven or Highway to Hell

207 13 33

A/N Just because you are in Heaven, doesn't mean Kylo can't send your body to hell. Buckle in babies! If I'm going to hell, I'm taking you lot with me! NSFW chapter.

TW: drug use, BDSM, blood, body injury,

Chapter Soundtrack:
Shamelessly- the weekend
Delirious- James Maslow
Like u - rosenfeild 🥵
Sweat - ZAYN
IOU - Annabelle Jones


Dameron's POV

It was hot. Dameron was cramped in a tiny ass closet. He could barely move his arms around himself, when he attempted to move. He would tear the wings off that bitch for locking him in such a tiny place. Everytime he took a step out of the painted circle on the floor, he would feel a burning sensation. She guarded the closet with some sort of sidual creating a boundary. His jaw and ribs ached from where Kylo caught him off guard. Dameron sat in the dark and plotted his escape and revenge. Looking up, he found a nail in the ceiling above him. He didn't know how long he wiggled that damn thing out. But when he finally got it unwound from the old wooden frame, his fingers were bleeding. By now the department would wonder where he was. They would be calling and probably searching for one of their best detectives.

He sat down in his tiny space, and wiped his bloody nubs on his shirt. They matched the stain from his face. He wedged the nail on the markings below and began scraping the paint off the floor. He was going to slaughter them all.

The day was spent lazily in the bed with Kylo stroking your arms, reading Beauty and The Beast out loud. Switching every other chapter, giving him a break. You were content to lay with your Angel, and he was content laying next to his. You had re-wrapped his bandages and seen the spread of the poison. Kylo had said you would both leave that evening for the nearest entryway.

Kylo had left you for a moment to get a snack for the both of you, so you used this opportunity to call and check on Rey. She picked up on the second ring. After pleasantries, she began to explain her vivid dream she had. Kylo and the man who took her were engaged in an epic tussle with fists and a violent struggle. Kate stayed with Rey until lunch and then disappeared. But Finn had been there all day. After the call ended, you thought about Kylo. What he would've been like in war. Battling to the death with his great white wings spread open wide. You wondered what angsty and dangerous Kylo would be like. You looked up as he walked through the doorway, clad only in black underwear, and carrying a tray of fruits and an assortment of breads. Beaming over at you with a wide, toothy grin as he kicked the door closed with his foot. You sat up, wrapping yourself tightly in the sheet, up to your armpits.

"Okay my Angel, I have all your favorites!" He sat down happily spreading the tray across the middle of the bed. Looking down at it, you laughed. He had a carafe of coffee and tea, sugars, cream and an assortment of different things so you wouldn't have to move again. Kylo stretched his long legs across the bed. His feet knocking into yours as he munched on a grape. You reached over and picked up a cup of tea. As you sipped, you watched him pick the berries off the stem. He looked ethereal lounging. His milky skin, glowing against the light blue sheets you had put on this morning. His dark hair mussed and curly. It was sticking up in all kinds of ways as he ate, looking thoughtful.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked as he inspected your face. You blushed as you looked down at his fingers that were crawling across the bed. " I was just wondering what you were like. Ya know, back in your fighting days." Kylo smirked, and finished the fruit in his mouth. He licked his lips and stretched out flat on his back. Putting his arms under his head, he smiled at the ceiling. "Angel, you wouldn't have liked me then. I was a mean fucker."

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