Its A Sin To Touch You

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Chapter soundtrack:
Two Ghosts - Harry Styles
Dancing In the Moonlight - King Harvest
I hope that I don't fall in love with you - Tom Waits
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
Dark Lady - Cher

Kylo watched the door. Everytime it dinged he looked up. Waiting for you to come in. He had gotten there early, wanting enough time to settle his nerves. He was never nervous. This was such a new emotion for him. A very real human emotion. He sipped his piping hot black coffee and thought about it. Were you the reason why he was feeling so much? He had been sent down to Earth because of you. Thinking about his whole situation, you were going to be his experiment.

He had been with so many lower angels before in the Heavens. They were almost like groupies. His past had created a legend around him. Kylo, the dark haired, white winged angel. They begged to fuck him. To bed the Angel that charged into battle and fought the demons back and protected the other angels. They would give him gifts, and oogle his body. They weren't scared of his scars. They would lick and trace his wounds. They would bathe in his hatred for demons. He would cast them aside in a second. They didn't care. Men. Women. They just wanted the bragging rights of saying they had him. Kylo the warrior. He honestly didn't care. It had been eons. The happiness he had once felt from being with anyone had long diminished. Now, it was a chore. The women loved him. The men wanted to be him. He had more than once, walked into a throng of angels, all of their wings bumping into one another, and had been toppled into kisses and grabs.

They would ask to touch him and touch his feathers. He would stand up and let them spread wide. The gasps would leave him hard from the attention. His wingspan stretched to almost seven feet wide. That was probably his favorite thing about himself. His wings. The freeHux he felt launching himself off of a waterfall, or the clouds, gave him so much joy.

His wavy, dark black hair would fly around him as he freefell to the ground. And at the very last minute he would outstretch his wings and soar past every obstacle. The stretch of his back as his wings gave way, was compatible with the cracking of a joint. The relief you didn't know you needed, until it was there.

Being with those angels never made him feel the exhilaration he felt simply having his fingers intertwined in yours. Your lips had felt like a sin. Something he only secretly dreamed about having. A taste of what hell might be like. The fire that was sent to his soul had shocked him so much, he needed to see you when you finally got here.

Another ding, and he glanced upwards. Still no you. He looked at the clock and saw you were late. He knew you well enough to know that you were never late to things. It was one of the things he liked about you. Watching all of your adventures from afar, he witnessed you spouting profanities to countless taxi drivers, about taking a wrong road, after your warnings causing you to run late.

A ding rang in his ears, and he saw your silhouette in the doorway. You glowed around it. Your smile was wide as you saw him sitting at a little table in the corner. Kylo stood up to greet you. He realized his mouth was hanging open, so he quickly turned it into a grin. You had chosen a yellow sundress and floated around you like a bell as you swished towards him.

"Kylo! I'm so so sorry I am late!! I followed a hunch for work as I was heading over and I detoured to check it out." Your cheeks were flushed and you were out of breath. Apologizing again, you grabbed his arms for an embrace. "I'm so sorry, I hate being late. I didn't know how to reach you. So I just ran."

You pulled him in right, hoping a hug would be sufficient enough. Noticing the closeness, you looked up. He was smiling down at you, almost laughing. His lips had parted ever so slightly. You wanted him to crash his face into yours, but it was not the place for a make out session. You let him go with a deep sigh.

Fallen | AU Angel Kylo Ren x Reader Where stories live. Discover now