Every Once In A While

448 21 44

Trigger Warnings for this chapter. I'll mark with an asterisk *** please skip if you feel uncomfortable. Attempted assault

blood, a smidge of choking, and SMUT!! ♥️

Chapter Soundtrack:
Love Is The Drug - Bryan Ferry
Volare - Dean Martin
Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg
Dictator - Rei Ami
Make Me (cry) - Noah Cyrus, Labrinth
Take It Out On Me - Bohnes

Fourth of July
1921 Harlem

The air was smoky. The smell of hot liquor that had been smuggled in in a wooden box in the trunk of a car. Kylo walked skillfully through the throngs of bodies that were strewn about the speakeasy. Hux had built it three months before for some of his raucous parties. Hux threw the best parties. But tonight had been different.

All around Kylo, bodies writhing with pleasure, celebrating the new year with someone. Kylo had opted out of the evening's orgy. Katrina had worn her usual red colored dress, showing her bronze shoulders and long legs. Kate knew how to dress her slender body. She knew how to lure anyone in. She had brought two other angels upstairs to make him jealous. Even invited him to join them in their illicit affair. He had declined much to the chagrin of Kate. Kylo had long since been over the phase of being jealous of anything Kate did.

She always made him feel wanted. A little too much honestly. He just wanted to kill, fight, and fuck. Not thinking or making anyone feel less than. He could hear the moaning, and Kate begging Kylo to come back, as he moved down the stairs. Moving along the corridor, he nodded at Hux who had found a small group of ladies. Hux was half dressed, laughing with the girls. Waving to Kylo as he left, unzipping his zipper and falling into the ladies.

Kylo opened the door, and stepped into the cold night air. People were milling about. He looked at all them as he passed by. Wrapped in short dresses and fringe. The women all had cropped bobs, and all the men wore sleek suits. All laughing and hugging one another. Out of all the places he had visited, this one was one of his favorites. The adrenaline he felt sneaking into a bar, or dancing into the night with someone.

The fireworks began lighting up the sky as Kylo walked along the sidewalk. The clicking of his boots echoed down the cobblestone path. He reached up to his shoulder, squeezing his arm. Years of battles have taken its toll on his body. Soreness from not moving as much as he should.

He took off in a sprint down the street. Seeing it begin to empty, he unbuttoned his shirt, sliding it quickly off. Tossing it haphazardly to the ground. Moonlight and the burst of fireworks danced across his chest as he launched himself into the air. Massive white wings tore out of his back, gliding him gracefully into the air. With a few big whooshes, he was high into the sky above the buildings of East Harlem. The colors lit up the sky, casting a shadow of his figure to the ground. His wings spread across the black sky wide. Flying into the night. This was his favorite part of being an Angel.


Present day

This was his favorite part of the night. You. Looking down on you laying on top of his chest. Calm, and quiet. You were always fussing with something during the day. At night, after he pleasured every inch of you, you collapsed on top of him, mewing in ecstasy as he stroked your back. You curled into his chest, smelling his hot skin. The fan spun slowly above you, creating goosebumps under his fingertips.

Fallen | AU Angel Kylo Ren x Reader Where stories live. Discover now