Till Death Do Us Part

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Chapter Soundtrack:
Till Forever Falls Apart - Ashe, FINNEAS
California - Lana Del Rey
Oh He's Everywhere - Dolly Parton

"Dream sequence" please refer back. It's WORTH noted with *** astrics ***
Nobody - Racheal Yamagata

I will wait - Mumford and Sons
Lady In The Wall - Danny Knutelsky

A/N : this chapter we are going to go into a small sized, Twilight depression. **SPOILER** There is also going to be dream sex. I don't want to say coerced, because Angel DEFINITELY wanted it. But ummm yeah. Okay. Love you all! Please vote and comment!! It helps me know that you're liking it!!! And I love talking with you guys!

The picture in the background is from my incredibly talented friend Lizzie! Please check her out on Etsy and Redbubble! @elizabethomatic! She also writes amazingly! RensPrincess19


Six months later

"The five stages of grief are as follows. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Does anyone here have anything else to say before we dismiss today's meeting?" You sat there, listening to the therapist with his calming voice ask you and the other bereaved and depressed sad sacks in the circle to express their feelings. You had heard his voice for months. Through tears, through rage, and now through complete relief, that part of your life was over. You'll never have to see him in the streets. Never have to hear his voice again. You loved him. And as soon as he got what he wanted, the opportunity being back in Heaven, he took it.

Even angels were assholes. But Kate and Hux were anything but. They had picked you up, moved you in and you all had been living together contently, for months now. The subtle happiness that exuded out of the piano as Hux played into the early mornings, waking you up gently, as you had cried yourself to sleep for the millionth time. You had grown so accustomed to the happy twittering in the mornings, you had given up on being sad. You'd hear them being lovey dovey and you'd think of Kylo. You missed him. You missed his arms, his voice, his touch. And then you would mush all of those feelings into a box in the back of your brain and snap a padlock on it, and go to this support meeting as fast as you could. Mainly to remind yourself that Kylo was gone. He was never coming back.

Sitting there in the bare, PineSol smelling, basement of a church you never even saw before three months ago, you thought about how this had become your new normal. You'd get up, avoid the couple making out in front of their breakfast. You would work all day behind your desk, miss phone calls from Rey, hand in your report and go back home. Occasionally stopping at the church. First, stopping by felt like it was going to give you some sort of closeness to Kylo. After finding the grief meeting, you slowly began crawling out of the depressed shell you had begun living under. Not caring if you saw a painting or statue that looked like him.

You walked out of the church and headed towards the townhouse. You moved into a different room on the other side of the staircase. Not wanting to even look at the door that Kylo had pulled you through time and again. Not wanting to see the bed you both had made love on.  Every now and then you thought you caught a whiff of his cologne. His smell would linger a little longer than it should. You would catch yourself looking over your shoulder, searching the crowd for him. But you never saw him. You never saw a glimpse of his wavy dark hair. You would see a glimmer of gold in the corner of your eye, and plead the universe that it was him. But it never was. You had given up on seeing him again. You had your first reporting gig for the first time in months tonight and you needed to get home and prepare.

Fallen | AU Angel Kylo Ren x Reader Where stories live. Discover now