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There was a lot that the team didn't know about Peter. They tried everything to get the kid to talk about himself, his talents, what he enjoys. But he wouldn't talk. Every time the team thought they knew everything there was to know about the kid, he revealed something new about himself. Most fo the time, he didn't even know that he was telling them. He just somehow always managed to.

So, therefore, the team wasn't even remotely surprised to find out that the kid was hiding something else.

What they were surprised to find out was what it was.

Peter walked into the compound, muttering angrily to himself. None of the Avengers could hear what he was saying, so they all thought that he was just talking about an equation or about a new LEGO set that he and his friend were going to make. That wasn't what they were concerned about.

It was the language that he was speaking.

"Non mi lascerà mai vivere. Ho sbagliato una domanda e cosa fa? mi prende in giro. Non posso avere un giorno che non venga a prendermi a pugni oa calci?"(He will never let me live it down. I got one question wrong and wat does he do? He makes fun of me. Can't I have a day that he doesn't come and punch or kick me?)

Tony was horrified at this news. His kid was being bullied?

When they got to the lab, he decided to see if:

1) He really could speak Italian and

2) If what he said about him being bullied was true.

So, as soon as they got to the lab, Tony decided to find out the answer to both.

"Hey Bambino?" Peter looked up at Tony.

"Perché non mi hai detto che sapevi parlare italiano?" (why didn't you tell me you could speak Italian?) Peter's eyes widened to the size of tennis balls.

"Signor Stark, anche lei parla italiano?" (Mr. Stark, can you speak Italian too?)

"Sì che posso, Bambi." (Yes I can, Bambi.)

"So, where did you learn Italian Bambi?"

"I learnt it for Aunt May. She mainly speaks English now but she will sometimes speak Italian when she gets really emotional. What about you Mr. Stark? Where did you learn Italian?"

"Italian is my first language. I had a nanny when I was little who was Italian so I just learnt from her. My mother kept teaching me Italian, but she also began to teach me English so I could communicate with everyone else. I sometimes revert back to Italian as well."

"So, what other languages do you speak Bambi?"

"Oh, don't get me started. I enjoy learning languages so I've taught myself quite a few. What about you?"

"I only know the 5 fluently; English, Italian, French, Japanese, and Russian."

"Oh, cool."

That was the day that Tony and Peter stopped greeting each other in English and started greeting each other in Italian.

493 words.

Thanks for reading guys. I'm not Italian and I have never learnt Italian so I might get some of the translations wrong as I just used Google Translate. If I do get some of the translations wrong, I'm sorry. If you know what they should translate to then please let me know, I love learning from my mistakes. Thanks again.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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