Father's Day

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Requested by @addrrriiiaaa

Thanks so much for the request. In this one, Y/N is 11 and Peter is 15.

I'm so sorry that it took so long to update.
Hope you enjoy 😊


Tony and Steve had adopted me a few months ago now and everything was awesome. But there is something on my mind that has me really stressed. Father's Day.

Father's Day was coming up soon and I had no idea what to do.

You see, it would be the first Father's Day that I would actually be able to celebrate in a good few years and I also wanted o do something nice for my new Father's. I wanted to make it special for them. But I had no idea how.

So, I did the only logical thing. I went to get help.

Peter's POV

I needed to get this project done. Dad said that I had to get some of my homework done before I could go out and be Spider-Man and Pops said that I wasn't allowed to go out after 12pm or before dinner. So, I was trying really hard to get most of my homework done before dinner so that I could go out on patrol straight after.

Well, that was what my intentions were.

I heard a sharp but light – almost shy – tapping at my door. I tell them to come in and when I turned my chair to see who it was, I almost fell off of it.

Y/N was standing at the door staring at her shoes like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"We need to talk," she said while walking over to my bed. "First of all, how do you navigate your way around this place? I's an obstacle corse designed to keep one fit while keeping intruders confused as to how you get from one spot to another!"

"Second of all," she continued, completely ignoring my hurt expression. "We need to do something special for Father's Day. Please Pete, I have no idea what to do and they deserve something nice."

"Yeah, they do. Let's do this. I will willingly spare some time from patrol to help you plan this," I say, eye rolling with the biggest and stupidest grin that I can muster.

Time skip 'cause I can.

"Hey Y/N, wake up."

"But I don't want to," Y/N said, slurring her words.

"But Y/N/N, it's Father's Day and don't you want to do something nice for Dad and Pops?"

She immediately got up and ran over to the kitchen faster than the bullet train. I smiled and shock my head. Typical, I thought to myself. She always does this.


I made a dash to the kitchen and immediately started to make breakfast. We had it all worked out perfectly. Pops was out on his morning run with Uncle Sam so he wouldn't be back home until a little past 6 which was exactly when Dad would be waking up.

Then, they had a meeting with eyepatch so I had a little free time to finish the first part of our surprise.

After that, we had a shopping trip with Nat and Wanda to get the second surprise. Then we are coming straight home to get the third part ready.

I was excited.

Steve's POV

When I came home, I was immediately greeted by a heavenly smell coming from the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, I saw Pete putting the last of the waffles on a plate and Y/N pouring something over them. When I got closer, I saw that she had poured the words Happy Father's Day over them with whipped cream.

"Please, enjoy your buff pancakes," they said in unison.

I smiled and shook my head. It was absolutely adorable when they did anything like this; talking at the same time, falling asleep on either Tony or myself. It's times like these that remind me of how much I love them.

Another time skip, sorry

The meeting with Director Fury went longer than expected. As we came out hand in hand, Tony was complaining about how "He's always telling us the same useless stuff over and over again" when I remembered something weird about the meeting.

"Tony, did you realise how Natasha left the meeting a few hours ago and never came back?"

"Yeah, she said earlier this morning that she had a shopping trip to go to with Wanda."

I was about to let it go and start another topic when I heard someone coming up behind us. I turned around to see who it was, only to be meet with Nat, Pete and Y/N.

"Dad, Pops, there you are. We have something to show you."

Tony and I shared a look before he responded, saying that we were right behind them.

To say I was concerned was an understatement.

Tony's POV

When the kids told us that they had something to show us, I immediately began to worry. I knew that there was most likely nothing to worry about, I mean Pete and Y/N/N are responsible and I trust them. It's just that I worry. I worry because I care.

Then they told us to close our eyes.

My immediate thoughts were that they had broken something. That they had burnt something down. That they had done SOMETHING that would endanger their, and possibly everyone else's, lives.

They led us to the couch and someone put something in one of my hands. Then I smelt the most delicious thing ever. Even better than the stuff from that Italian restaurant that I dragged Steve to that one time.

"Ok, you can open them now," Y/N said.

Steve and I opened them and were instantly meet with the sight of the most delicious looking food in the world. Then, my attention was drawn to the thing that was placed in mine and Steve's hands and I was rendered speechless. It was the most beautiful painting of Steve and I that I had ever seen.

Then I looked at the signature that was at the bottom right hand corner

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Then I looked at the signature that was at the bottom right hand corner.

"Did you two make all of this? All by yourselves," I asked and they nodded. "This is amazing kiddos."

"Do you like it," they asked in unison, timidly.

"This is the best Father's Day ever."

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