UNO Reverse

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Peter was sitting on the ceiling, ready to fall asleep while listening to Mr Stark and Mr Banner talking about science and stuff. Normally, he was intrigued by this but now? Now he wasn't. Staying awake for 50 hours straight might do that to you.

"Well, this has been fun and all but I really need go patrol the city now so... see ya."
"Yep, alright kid. Stay safe." Tony replied, not looking up from his work.
"Will do. See you later Mr Stark. Bye Mr Banner."
"Kid, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Tony," He called after him while Peter started to head towards the elevator to take him to the roof, double tapping his watch to form the spider-suit around him. Just a little gift from Mr. Stark. Not expensive at all.

The doors of the elevator opened to the roof, showing rain bucketing down. It became harder and harder for Peter to see where he was going and he became colder and colder by the minute. He could have solved the issue in an instant the easy way and walked back to the elevator which could have taken him back inside. But instead, Peter wanted to solve this issue like any other reasonable teenager his age.

He felt the inside of the pockets of the hoodie that he was wearing to reveal a card. A UNO card, to be precise. He turned the card towards the sky and shouted "UNO reverse bish," at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, the rain stopped for a split second before changing directions.

I made the rain change directions that it was going, he thought to himself. Cool. I could probably use this to my advantage.

{Time Skip dun dun daaa}

Peter awoke the next day to the sound of clattering and screaming. He opened the door just a little bit so that he could hear the commotion from the room outside.

"...started raining upwards. We must figure a way to end this chaos now." Peter figured that he was the magic doctor guy that he had briefly met once.
"How? We have been searching all night for an answer and you know what we found? Hmmm? We have found nothing. Nothing! Who says that we'll find anything now?"
"Tony, we have to find a way to stop this. I don't know how. All I know is that we don't know anything about this and that he has never even heard of anything like this. I know that that's not a lot to put faith into right now but we have to find a way to stop this... whatever it is."

Peter figured that that would be the best time to come clean about whatever he had done. Besides, it was Sunday. He wasn't wasting a perfectly good Sunday listening to those three bickering at each other about the natural disaster that he had caused. After he was ready, he left his room and headed towards the kitchen.

"Hey everyone. Nice morning, isn't it?" He made himself sound happy to lighten the mood, even though all he wanted was to sit down and eat.
"Nice? Kid, have you seen the weather today? It looks miserable." Mr Stark answered.
"Are you really talking about the weather right now, Mr Stark? Geez, how old are you?" Tony rolled his eyes and grabbed his shoulders, directing him towards the window.
"Oh yeah, it is a little horrible today."
"Do you notice anything odd about the rain? Anything at all?" Tony waited 5 seconds for an answer then made his way towards the kitchen, presumably for another coffee.

"I thought it to be a time thing. You know, like it rains over night, clears up and poof! The rain is fixed. Is that not how this works?" Bruce obviously knew nothing about any of this but let's face it, who did?
"This sort of thing has to be fixed the same way that it was made. It can't be fixed my simply waiting for it to fix itself."

"Oh, so your saying that I have to fix it now?" Peter asked. He was generally curious.
"What did you do this time, underoos?" Tony asked, scarily calm.
"Do-do you... do you want me to show you?"
"Yes!" All three of them answered in unison.

Peter made his way into the elevator, beckoning for the others to follow. Once on the roof, he grabbed his UNO card from his pocket, held it to the sky and shouted "UNO reverse, bish." They watched as the rain stopped for a millisecond before swapping directions, now falling towards the ground. All three men stared at the kid, awestruck that he was the one that created this. Tony was the first one to snap out of his state of shock.

"I really don't understand teenage references these days."

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