Chapter 3: The Cell

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The cold. The first thing I noticed was the cold. It's what woke me. Next was the rough surface underneath me. It was pricking my skin on my arms making me shiver. Reluctantly I opened my eyes, but the light was overwhelming so it took some blinking to get used to it. Once I could see again, I sat up and began looking around the room for anything.

Where I sat reminded me of those cells you see in a mental health hospital. Rooms where there is nothing to hurt yourself with, just this one was not covered with pillows on the wall. It was poorly lit and I thought I could just make out a figure sitting in the corner of the room.

My first thought was that it was him. The man from the car. But why would he be sitting on the filthy floor with me? So I ruled that out as a possibility and squinted harder. Yes, I could have just got up and walked over but I wasn't sure if I could trust this person. I also didn't feel like I could physically move considering I had been heavily drugged twice in the past 24 hours.

A small whimper came from the corner. A whimper that I knew.

"Mila?" I whispered barely audibly

Her eyes trailed the floor then to mine. They were swollen and red, I was surprised she could even see me. I crawled across the cold floor, each movement causing pain to shoot through my body. I reached Mila and collapsed from exhaustion, but Mila needed me so I pulled myself up the wall and propped against it. Mila's head slowly made its way to my lap and we stayed like that in silence for a few moments before she spoke.

"Where are we, Lise?"

"I don't know, but I'm not leaving you"

"I want to go home." Mila mumbled

We didn't say anything after that, just sat there in silence. I studied the prison we were in noticing only one way out. To my left was a large, metal door flush to the wall. It looked to be heavy and there was no way to open it from the inside. There were no hinges to break. There was no window to shatter. There was nothing that would get us out. Nothing except the people that put us in here. I continued thinking about what awaited us because I highly doubted they would leave us here. My eyelids grew heavy, but I fought the urge. One of us needed to stay awake and Mila was already out so I was determined to remain conscious until sleep consumed both of us.

I was startled awake by the screeching of the door across the floor. It was horrible. Worse than nails down a chalkboard or cutlery dragged across a plate. Much worse, because I knew that whatever awaited us would not be good.

Two figures emerged from the door, towering over Mila and me who were huddled in the corner. They made their way from the shadows and I could recognize who they were. Mila obviously did too because she grew stiff and pushed herself closer to me as if hoping we would become one.

"Hello, baby. Did you have a good nap?" The taller one chuckled

Mila and I remained in the same spot until the other came and grabbed Mila's arm, jerking her up to stand next to him. Our eyes never left each other. Hers looked dead. Like nothing lived there. No trace of happiness was ever going to be found in there. Her eyes pleaded with me not to fight, but she knew that I was going to.

I was still looking at Mila when I felt two huge hands around my upper arms starting to pull me up. I start kicking their legs and swatting my hands around. I honestly don't know what I was trying to achieve but I wasn't just going to let him take me. I continued to put up a fight until he had my arms on my back pushing them into me. He started walking forward, pushing me in front of him. I realized we were about to leave this cell so I dropped to my knees. I certainly didn't like it in here but my guess was I wouldn't like it any better out there.

I had obviously used up whatever patience he had left with me because he sighed as he pulled me up, holding my legs to my chest so I was a ball. I couldn't break free. He had me right where he wanted. His breath fanned my neck as we ascended the stairs from this dimly lit area.

"Fuck you! Let me go!" I shouted at him. He didn't reply, just fastened his pace.

"You coward! What too much of a pussy to talk to me?" I questioned.

His face said it all. He changed how I was positioned in his arms so he was carrying me like a bride. I saw it in his eyes but it was too late to react. His lips were on mine. Fighting me to get entrance to my mouth through my clenched teeth. He grumbled and continued to kiss me harder while still walking up the stairs. I felt his lower lip near my teeth and took this chance to let him know my disgust. I bit down, drawing blood as a metallic taste swirled through my mouth.

"There are a few rules you need to learn Annalise. Number 1, do not resist me - ever ." he blankly stated blood still on his lip.

He looked so smug that he had just forced himself on me. So me being me, I gathered up all the saliva in my mouth and spat at his face. His blood and my saliva mixed as it traveled down his face. His eyes no longer had lust in them but were filled with rage. I was pretty sure I could see little demons in them.

We made it out the door at the top of the stairs and the man put me down but still held a death grip on my arm as he wiped his face. I saw Mila standing next to the man who had taken her. Her face was pale. She looked almost purple from the cold and I could see bruises forming on her forearms. She subtly shook her head at me as my eyes traveled from hers to the man standing beside her. He had an awful smirk on his face, never a good sign.

The man behind me tightened his grip on my arm which caused me to turn my head to try to face him, but I didn't make it. Instead, I was greeted by another white cloth. Mila let out a loud shriek as I inhaled the chemicals. My body was turning limp and I could feel myself leaning on this monster for support. With my last bit of energy, I pushed away from him landing hard on the floor. My head struck the ground and with that, my world turned black yet again. 

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