Chapter 7: The shower

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The water rolled over my skin. I shut my eyes and threw my head back, letting the water hit my face. I could hear the rain outside. It lightly padded the window above the shower. I opened my eyes and began looking around for anything to wash myself with. Of course, he didn't have anything for me, so I decided to use his. After all, something was better than nothing right?

I lathered my scalp in shampoo and scrubbed my arms with some soap. The shampoo slowly ran out of my hair and down my body. He didn't have any conditioner so reluctantly, I turned off the shower and stepped out. I saw two dark grey towels so I grabbed one and began drying myself.

It was so soft. So different from everything else I had seen. I slowly began to get dressed, putting his boxers on then trackies followed by his hoodie. I didn't have a bra on but the hoodie was large enough that I felt sure he wouldn't be able to see anything.

I took my sweet time after getting dressed. Looking in each bathroom cupboard for anything I could use to protect myself, but he clearly already thought I would do that because there wasn't anything I could use. I mean I could smother him with some toilet paper but I didn't really think that would work.

Mason must have thought I was taking a really long time because I heard a knock on the door. It wasn't a calm, soft knock like it sounded before.

"Annalise? What are you doing in there?"

"Nothing, I'm almost done." I replied

"Well, either you come out in the next minute or I will bust down this door. You have been in there for an hour and a half." He sounded annoyed.

I hadn't intended to take such a long time but the more time I spent away from him the better. He knocked again, louder. He was growing impatient. I would have to get out soon or he would never let me use the bathroom, by myself, again.

I walked over to the door and removed the chair that was under the handle and slowly twisted the handle. I was greeted by his very frustrated eyes to which I smiled and went to walk past him. That was a mistake.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out from the bathroom but slammed me against the nearest wall.

"Annalise. It would do you well not to try and avoid me. Now we have some things to talk about" He breathed into my ear.

He dragged me over to the bed and threw me on it. I sat up and immediately tried to crawl backward, away from him, but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to him. He held my wrists tightly in his lap so I came face to face with him.

"There are some rules, Annalise, that you need to understand and this time you will not interrupt me." he coldly stated.

Leaving no room for argument I stayed quiet not wanting to anger him even more.

"1. Do not resist me" he smirked referring to his earlier assaults on my lips

" 2. Do not try to escape me, I will always find you." probably surprised I was yet to try, probably certain I was planning on it.

3. Do not talk back to me" That was going to be hard.

He kept listing some more 'rules' as he had called them but I stopped listening. My logic was if I didn't know them I couldn't break them. He must have realized I stopped listening because he loosened his grip on my hands, allowing me to sit back on my legs.

He changed his tone like he realized I was tired and not listening. He began stroking my face,  which caught me by surprise. He had some of the biggest mood swings I had ever seen, but I was going to use his kindness to me to my advantage.

"It is time for bed," he said, pulling back the covers, allowing me to crawl in on one side. He climbed in on the other but I was too exhausted to get out of the bed. Until he put one arm around me and pulled me close to him so my back was pressed against his chest.

I tried to wriggle away. I didn't want him touching me, but that just made him hold me tighter. I couldn't sleep now. Although I was so sleepy my head wouldn't let me sleep. So I listened to Mason breathing. His breath fanned the back of my neck and a side of my cheek. I thought it had slowed down enough that he was asleep.

When I was sure he was asleep, I went to move his arm.

"No" He grunted.

How? How was he awake? I must have woken him. Sleep finally took me away as I closed my eyes. Hoping for the day to be over.

When I woke in the morning Mason wasn't in the bed, let alone the room. Good. I lay on my back and began thinking again. That was when I realized I felt warm and kind of wet down there. Shit. Shit shit shit! No, it couldn't be.

I rolled out of bed and sure enough, I had got my period. I pulled the trackies down and saw blood on his boxers.

"Fuck" I whispered. What a great start to the day.

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