Chapter 14: The nightmare

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Chains rattled above my head, as I tried to yank my arms down. Frantically looking around, I saw another figure in the cell with me. I began screaming, assuming it was the devil himself. The cell was poorly lit as the light above me flickered on and off. The stench of stale air and mold filled my nostrils. My shouting must have woken the person.

They began to stir and I could make out a shadow of a person. It wasn't the devil though. Their figure resembled that of a girl about my age. Mila.

The first thought that crossed my mind was that it was Mila. My poor, sweet friend. So innocent, she wouldn't dream of hurting a fly. I had got her into this. It was all my fault. She was so full of life, a life that had been stolen from her. If I hadn't taken her out of her birthday we both would still be at home. School and university would be our only problems. Sure we might have had one or two boy problems - but I was certain that none of them would ever be as cruel as the assholes who stole us. I could only hope that the monster who stole me was much worse than the one who took Mila. I was stronger than her. I wouldn't break, but I couldn't say the same for her.

Mila began to raise her head. It was not Mila. I couldn't recognize who it was until I saw their eyes. They were mine. Staring straight back at me. It was me. My face was a deep purple colour and I had handprints painted across my neck which trailed down my arms. I was wearing a white button-up shirt that was too big for me so I assumed it was the monsters. It had been ripped down the front leaving me in a red lace bra that just barely covered my breasts.

My hands were restrained above my head but not by chains. Someone's hands were securing them. They moved out from the shadows and I realized who it was. It was him. With one of his hands, he pressed my hands to the wall and began to crouch down to my level. The other hand rested under my chin as he lifted it up, forcing me, to look at him.

My eyes were lifeless. I was a shell of myself. I was broken.

"I love you, baby"

I could see myself wince in pain as he must have tightened his grip on my jaw, wanting a reply.

"I love you too." she whispered, a tear escaping her eye.

I couldn't watch anymore. I was shouting and violently thrashing my arms around. I would not sit here and watch myself submit to the devil. My commotion went unnoticed, as I was just a spectator in my own nightmare. Squeezing my eyes shut I willed myself to remove myself from the horror.

I jolted awake. Sweat covered my body. Mason was stroking my hair and gently shaking me. His eyes held concern. Realizing that he was the one from the dream, I pulled myself away and tried to put distance between myself and him. He caught my wrists before I could move any further, and I felt a tug at my ankle.

Shaking with fear, my eyes darted around the room. My teeth were clattering together as Mason's hand began to hold my jaw.

"Hey shhh, shhh. It's okay, I'm here" He spoke, pulling my head to his chest.

After 10 minutes or so I had calmed down and Mason was no longer touching me, which helped me relax a little bit. He had released his grip on my wrists as I pulled my legs up to my chest. Every movement I made stung as the cuts he had made on my body were purposefully in places where they would cause discomfort.

A chain was rattled as my ankles moved up the bed. I could not believe he had the audacity to chain me to his bed after he had tortured me, he probably thought I would try to escape. He was right of course, I would have tried to run again, had he not been here and I was not confined to the bed. I opened my mouth the complain but Mason realized I was about to protest the presence of the chain so he quickly interrupted my thoughts.

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