Chapter 23 : The pool

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I awoke in Mason's bed, with his arm wrapped around my waist. He obviously didn't know that his continuous touch of my stomach caused me immense discomfort. Carefully I lifted his arm off me and slowly wriggled out from his grasp. He didn't stir, which surprised me because normally when I made the smallest movement he would instantly wake up. He must have been tired. I made my way over to the edge of the bed, sitting up and hanging my legs over the side.

My arms rested beside me as I looked down to see that I was no longer wearing the red gown I had been in before and instead was in a matching pair of silk pyjamas. I could only hope that Mason still had some self-restraint in him, because I could not bear the thought of him touching me again, especially after Aiden. Letting out a deep sigh, I pushed myself off, checking that I still hadn't woken him.

My head was pounding and I had to steady myself before I could move again. I had no doubt that the alcohol I had drunk was drugged and that my dizziness was a side effect of my body trying to rid it from my system. My lips were cracked and dry. I needed water. Sure I could have got it from the bathroom, but I wanted to be alone. I needed to be alone.

I crept over to the door and slipped out. It was still dark outside and didn't look like the sun would be rising any time soon as the stars had shone through the window in his bedroom. It must have been about 3 am. The house which was normally crawling with men was eerily quiet. I assumed that there must still be men guarding the perimeter but other than that I felt alone. Quietly I shut the door and tiptoed over to the stairs. My hand clung to the rail as every step I descended felt like I would tumble at any moment.

My feet padded the cool floorboards as I made my way into the kitchen. Memories flooded back to me of the faces of fear that the maids had shown me when I tried to help. Maybe they weren't worried about what I was doing, Aiden had been there with me. Maybe they were scared of him.

Mason had told his men to "keep it in their pants" when his men's eyes were filled with lust, staring at me. I couldn't help but let my mind wonder if these women were not only used as payments but were regularly used for other sick things. What the fuck had they done to deserve this. To be controlled by twisted men, who used their fear to keep them from acting out against them. I hated Mason even more for letting his men be animals, but I guess they only would have learned from him. I shook those thoughts from my head and began searching for a glass.

I found one and filled it with water. I still couldn't see any guards which was strange but I was enjoying the peace. I made my way over to a couch that faced a window looking outside. Setting myself down on it, I curled my knees up to my chest. I hugged them as the cold nipped at my skin. Goosebumps lined my arms and legs as I shivered trying to get the slightest bit warmer. No matter how cold I was, it was nice to be out of Mason's grasp.

I watched the clouds slowly drift through the sky. Dancing freely through a vast open area, able to move at their own free will.

Although Mason had 'saved' me from Aiden last night, I knew it was only a matter of time before he would want more from me. As much as I could, I would distance myself from everyone. I couldn't trust anyone anymore. I was truly alone now.

I dragged myself out of my thoughts and placed the cup on the bench, turning around to go back up the stairs to Mason's bedroom. I slowly opened the door and saw Mason lying on the bed with his arms behind his head propping it up. Oh no. Please, please, please let him be in a half-decent mood, I really wasn't mentally prepared for another argument just yet.

We made eye contact, to which I quickly turned my head away from him. Swiftly walking around to my side of the bed, I climbed under the covers.

"Where did you go?" his voice was husky

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