Chapter 25

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When we arrived Archie and Liam had taken our luggage upstairs. We arrived around 7 pm so it was close to dinner time.

Mason and Ace kept Mila and me apart from one another after our initial greeting. They were really beginning to irritate me with their little actions just to show that they could control us. Mila and I both knew that they were power-obsessed but this was a new level of controlling when we could and couldn't see each other?

The flight had worn me out so I didn't put up a fight when they kept us separated. I wasn't hungry either, so Mason sent me upstairs and told me to wait for him before I went to sleep. I think I was still recovering from the turbulence on the airplane because every step I took made my head spin. Taking one step at a time, I made my way up the stairs and found myself in a large hallway, sought of like the one Mason had back at his place. The first door I opened must have been their room because I could see clothes scattered over the floor, ones that I assumed to be Milas. I didn't want to spend any more time in that room than I had to, so I shut the door and continued down the hallway. The next door I opened I assumed was Mason and my room as I could see some suitcases in the room and the bed looked untouched. I slipped in and shut the door behind me.

I took a shower and opened the suitcase that had been packed for me. I think Bailee had packed it because I found piles of clothes, but I am assuming that Mason had a rather large say in what could be packed for me. Among the piles of clothes, was an obscene amount of lingerie. I genuinely thought that Mason must have bought the whole store when I saw them. I hadn't seen these yet so I could only assume that he had gone out and purchased them himself. A shiver trailed down from my neck to my toes. My hair stood on end thinking about what he would want from me. Surely he wouldn't try anything while we were here, would he?

I continued to rummage through my suitcase and found some silk pyjamas, so, with some of the newly discovered undergarments, I slipped them on. I sat on the bed and looked out the window. Although it was dark I could see the white foam from a breaking wave lap the shore lightly. A beach. That was a nice change to the countryside where I had been living.

I pressed my face to the window hoping to get a better view of the ocean but I couldn't. Like Mason's house, the windows wouldn't open without a key so I would have to wait for him to open it. I wanted to listen to the waves, to smell the ocean, but I would have to wait for him, wait for him to once again control nearly every aspect of my life. I resumed my position on the bed, with the lights off, waiting for Mason to enter the room.

The door opened and closed, but I made no attempt to acknowledge him. I felt the bed dip so I turned my head to face him. He was trying to read me. I kept my face blank and stared into his eyes. His eyes challenged mine to look away but I didn't. I didn't even know how I was feeling, so why should he.

He removed me, once again, from where I had been living without my permission. No doubt we left the country we had previously been in, to some completely random place which made it near impossible to contact someone to escape. Yes, of course, I was happy to be reunited with Mila, but it meant we would be continually watched again. Once again I was the prey and I had nowhere to hide. On top of my frustration directed at Mason, I had a feeling that Ace and I would get along less than Mason and me, so I would be constantly walking on eggshells around two people now.

Mason reached out and rested his hand on my thigh. I wrenched it out of his grasp and stood up. A look of shock flashed across his face but it was soon replaced by disappointment. He frowned, opening his mouth to probably give me a lecture about my behaviour, but I beat him to the words.

"What the fuck Mason. I'm so sick of your perplexing behaviour, you could have told me that we were going to see Mila! I would have come willingly. Why can't... ugh!"

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