Chapter 4: The Meeting

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This time I woke up I noticed that I wasn't on hard ground. My eyes fluttered open and I was met with a warm but dull light filling the room I was in. I went to move my hands to help me up from wherever I was lying but they wouldn't budge. How did I not notice that? I looked up to see my hands secured in metal handcuffs which were then looped through the bed head. So that was where I was - I was in a bed. That couldn't be good.

I thrashed around in the handcuffs hoping to free myself but blood started trickling down my arms. Slumping in defeat I began to search the room. I looked around to see a large room, walls painted dark with a single light turned on in the corner. That is when I saw him.

He sat there, glass in hand staring at me. Watching me. He took another gulp of his drink, eyes never leaving me. He looked satisfied with my vulnerable position. He looked as if he could take me now. He wanted me to struggle, he wanted the chase.

"It's rude to stare" I stated, gaining attention from his hungry eyes

Rising abruptly he stalked over to me, never wavering for a second. He reached the end of the bed and I began to squirm. Slowly beginning to make his way onto the bed, on top of me, I frantically struggled, eager to be free from his presence. He continued his way up my body until he straddled my waist. Although he wasn't crushing me, I could no longer move my lower half, I was at his mercy.

His hands trailed up my torso, chest, neck and then made his way to my wrists. Although they were already restrained he felt the need to apply more pressure. Tension coursed through my body which he could feel because he began to chuckle. His eyes were boring into mine, as he slowly lowered his head. I wasn't going to let this happen again, once was one too many.

"Where is Mila?" I asked below him, pushing my head further into the pillow behind me.

He sighed, clearly annoyed I had ruined his attemped assault on my lips. Deliberately taking his time to regain his upright posture, he answered my question.

"With Ace. They would be back at his house by now." He replied as if it was nothing

"And where the fuck might that be" I gritted my teeth.

My head jerked to the left. Gradually I rose my head back to face him. My cheek was burning. He slapped me. That son of a bitch slapped me. Lust. Lust was all I saw. He had enjoyed that I spoke like that to him. His deep blue eyes remained unblinking as a smirk crept onto his face.

"Annalise, you better get used to punishment if you're going to keep acting like this." He stated as if the most obvious thing in the world.

"Keep acting like what" I batted my eyelashes at him, playing dumb.

"You won't like where it gets you, Lise"

"Don't call me that."

"Firstly, I can call you whatever I want. Secondly, do not tell me what to do unles-"

"Unless what? I want to be punished?" I interrupted.

Inhaling deeply he continued.

"You're testing my patience, darling"

"Oh really?? I had no idea."

He let go of my wrists but maintained his position over my waist. I tried to squirm out from underneath him again but that was a mistake. When I moved my position I felt something hard pressing on my stomach. Ew. This sick sadist was being turned on by this. He must have noticed my discomfort because he pushed his erect member harder against my stomach. I held down a gag and tried to continue this conversation because the sooner it was over,the sooner he would get off me.

"Who are you?"

"The person you belong to."

"I don't belong to anyone."

Whilst tsking at me he shook his head.

"You got that wrong, hun. You're mine. You were mine from the first moment I saw you."

"And when was tha-"

"You have one more question - so use it wisely." he interrupted

"Fine, don't answer that. What is your name then?"

"Well love, that is for another time... unless you want to beg me." he seductively whispered in my ear.

"Hey, that wasn't part of our deal."

He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by the door open behind us.

"What is it now Archie?" He stated rather annoyed, without even turning to observe the person now panting in the doorway.

"Sir. There is a phone call. Urgent."

With that, the man on top of me got off and began stomping over to the door. He said some inaudible words to the man who I believe was called Archie.

"Wait. What. is. your. name?" I pleaded.

He turned around and grinned.

"Mason. Mason Reyes." and with that, he shut the door.

My head fell back on the pillow behind me and I relaxed my tense arms, still secured above my head. Standing in front of the door, arms behind back with straight posture was Archie. He was looking at me, not with lust but not with sorrow either.

"So what now? You're my personal guard or something? I could even escape, if you hadn't noticed, I'm kind of chained to the bed." I sneered.

He didn't reply, continuing to watch me while guarding the door. I couldn't be bothered to wait for Mason to come back and I'm guessing the drugging had taken its toll on my body because I was exhausted. I let my eyelids droop and slowly drifted off to sleep. Finally some peace.

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