Chapter 41

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Warning : Violence

The sun was beaming brightly in the sky as I made it to the beach. The sand lightly kissing my feet. I had made it out of the apartment without the two guards noticing, so if Mason was going to be back by 2, I would need to make sure there was no trace of the beach on me. But right now, I was free.

I let my body rest against the warm sand. I could hear the waves gently lapping against the shore and allowed my eyes to close. It was the first time in eight months that I was truly by myself, alone. Not just the feeling of being alone, but actually by myself. No Mason hovering over me, watching my every move, waiting for me to slip up. No guard constantly observing me and preempting what I would do.

Just me. Alone.

With my back against my towel, I moved my hands by my side playing with sand between my fingertips. I could feel each grain I touched, everyone ground down by the constant impact of the ocean until it was so small, rounded, soft. It covered my arms, falling over them until I had a thin layer of sand lining my skin.

After a while of being able to breathe without it being monitored, I pushed myself up from my lying position. I saw some guys playing not too far down the beach, throwing a ball around. There were a few other couples scattered around the sand, but other than that it was pretty empty. Standing up, I let my sarong fall from my waist and brushed my sandy fingertips against my thighs.

My feet lead me over to the cool, blue ocean. I let the waves slowly kiss my toes, before fully submerging myself. The sway of the ocean was calming. The men who were down the beach had drifted up the beach a bit and were now standing at the shore where I was. There was a splash to my side and I realized that their ball had landed not too far from me.

"Hey, babe, can you chuck us the ball."

They had strong American accents. As I slowly glided over to where it was now floating, I noticed one of them making their way over to me. I quickly picked it up and threw it to him. He caught it in one hand, smiling at me. His smile wasn't creepy or animalistic, but sweet. He threw the ball back over to his mates as he made his way closer to me.

"Hey." He spoke

"Hi," I murmured in reply.

"What's such a pretty little thing like you doing here all alone?"

"Just enjoying the sunshine" and free time from my psychotic husband.

"Mind if I join?"

"Not at all." I smiled.

I knew if Mason's sixth sense was working right at this moment, I was beyond screwed, but I couldn't care any less. He had taken me away from so much and taken things from me that weren't his to take. If he thought that I was just going to be his submissive little wife, he didn't know the first thing about me.

I forced my head to stop filling with vile thoughts about my 'husband' and tried to bring my presence to the man now talking to me. He stood about an arms reach from me and we talked. Nothing in particular just talked. His name was Alfie, short for Alfred. He and his mates were on holiday, celebrating the end of the university year.

I noticed him inching closer to me, I don't think he was going to try anything, I had just met him. Except I guess that is kind of how I got in this situation. I didn't do what Mason wanted and well now I was unconditionally fucked. Did he really expect me to fall at his feet? And as much as I hated myself for this, I couldn't risk Mason coming back before I expected and him getting the wrong idea. I didn't want anything to get out of hand.

Besides, it was my honeymoon, right?

"It's getting kind of cold in here, don't you think?" I asked

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