Chapter 6: The window

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He marched me back up the stairs like there was no tomorrow. When we got to the bedroom he swiftly opened the door and threw me in. Landing on all fours, I scampered as far as I could from him. I looked back to the door I had just been flung through to see DC smirking at me, promptly followed by a slamming door. The ringing of the door was loud but not loud enough to block out the click the lock made. Once again I was stuck in here.

Seen I had nowhere else to go I started to search the room, this time on my feet not bound to the bed. I remember light shining through the room when I first got here so I went to where I thought the window was.

It must have been late in the night because when I got to the window it was pitch black outside. I pulled the curtains away, to expose the floor-to-ceiling window fully. I turned around to turn the lights off so I could see outside better. From what I could make out, I could see tall trees in the distance with lights lining what must be the driveway. A driveway that seemed to go forever, because I could still see the lights continuing in the tree.

Great. I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with this random guy who believes I am his. Woohoo me. Stepping back a little from the window, I saw a handle. Immediately I made my way over to it, but just as I thought it was locked. Damn. 

I was so exhausted. I slowly made my way to the ground. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Choked sobs escaped from my mouth. Why me? What had I done? It must have been a couple of hours I sat there asking myself the same two questions.

The door creaking open and a dim light turned on in the corner shocked me out of my thoughts. It was Mason. He had locked me in this room for hours and now returned with a smug look. Though, concern spread over his face when he saw my state.

He brought me out of my trance and I pushed my back further into the window behind me. I wanted to slip through the window to the other side. I wanted to run. I did not want to see, to hear, to be in his presence but I had nowhere to go. He sauntered over to where I was but stopped a meter short. Crouching down to my level, he began to speak.

"Annalise, there are a few things you need to understand around here. You may think I am being too hard on you but the sooner you learn the better you will be" He said in a considered way. Yeah okay? What. what were the things I needed to learn around here? Really I thought he just needed to learn how to let me go, but I guess that wasn't happening anytime soon. I didn't have the energy to fight him or make any of my usual smug remarks so I just stared at him.

"Lost for words I see," He chuckled, "Well look who is finally learning." He reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I flinched at his touch.

"You need to have a shower. It will make you feel better and then we'll talk." He sighed

Like he cared if I felt like shit. He was the one doing that and a shower was not going to help my mood. Yes, I did feel gross but I did not see his logic whatsoever.

"I don't know if you have noticed..." I paused thinking about how to delicately handle this situation before I continued, "But I don't exactly have any other clothes" I finished, pointing to the now battered outfit I had worn to the club three days ago.

Mason smiled at me and replied

"Baby, just wear some of my clothes and we can get you some more later."

While I didn't want to wear his clothes, I didn't want to be in these clothes anymore. They reminded me of that night, which was still freshly repeating my head. Along with that they had some dried blood on them and were dirty from where I had struggled to get away from Mason. So deciding I would rather be clean, I agreed to have a shower.

Mason held his hand out to help me up, ignoring it I stood up and walked past him. I had found the closest in my latest search around the room. I walked in to see all of his clothes on one side of a massive closest. Yes, I had found it before but I wasn't really planning on sticking around to need a change of clothes. He had suits upon suits. Shoes lined from top to bottom. Shirts, pants, belts - honestly anything you could imagine, he had it.

He had left one side empty though. Empty like he was planning to put someone else's clothes in there. Mine. I pushed that thought to the back of my head and walked over to his clothes. I pulled out a pair of black trackies and a grey hoodie, they were going to be massive on me. I turned to see him leaning on the door frame, his eyes following my every move.

"I actually don't have any clean underwear. It might surprise you but I actually wasn't planning on being kidnapped that night" I stated, probably a little too cocky for his liking.

"Well you can either wear exactly what you are wearing now before I throw it out, along with your underwear, my clothes with my underwear, or my clothes without underwear at all." he mocked me.

Well shit. I sure as heck was not going to continue to walk around in what I was wearing but he made it pretty clear that it was his way or the highway, so I grabbed a pair of his boxers on my way past him. He smirked at me and followed me over to the bathroom, but before he got the chance to cross the threshold into the bathroom, I slammed the door probably hitting him in the nose.

I pushed my back against the door and began feeling for a lock. No such luck, but what did I expect? My eyes frantically darted around the bathroom looking for something to keep him out while he started talking to me through the door.

"Baby, I'm not going to come in but the next time you do that, there will be consequences. When you are done, you will come out and we will talk then." leaving no room for arguing, I heard him start to move away from the door.

Keeping my foot against the door I reached the chair with my fingertips and jammed it under the door handle. That should hold it. Even though he said he wouldn't come in - I barely knew him, let alone trusted him. I knew if he really wanted to get in, he could, but I just hoped that he would give me some time for me not chained up or locked in his room. This time I had chosen to lock myself in.

I turned around to observe the bathroom. It was large and had a dark colour scheme, just like the rest of his house. I slowly began to unzip my dress and I looked at the shower. I was ready to drown everything out, even just for a moment. I crept over and turned it on and let myself slip away.

 I crept over and turned it on and let myself slip away

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Kind of what the bathroom looks like. ↑↓

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Please note I do not own this image and all credit goes to the rightful owner

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