Chapter 16: The chains

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Warning: Violence

The smell of dampness and blood filled my nostrils, again. I was back in that awful place. Instead of a chair this time, I was chained to a metal table. My hands were restrained above my head, my feet chained to the end of the table. There were clamps tightly secured to my wrists probably leaving little red bands around them and chains wrapped multiple times around my ankles and then tied to the table.  Even if the chains were free, they placed immense pressure on my lower legs which would make it difficult to move them.

My clothing remained intact apart from the holes I had caused during my clearly fruitless escape attempt. The tights that I was wearing had some cuts where trees and other bushes had caught onto me, leaving little gashes on my legs. On the left side of my shirt was a gaping hole and I could feel the bitter air, nipping at my skin

 My fingers and toes still had feeling in them, unlike last time. I wasn't sure if being able to feel the torture, that undoubtedly awaited me, was better or worse.

Slowly turning my head to the left side, I saw Mason seated next to the table I was chained to. Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, his head rested on his hands. He was staring at the floor, lost in thought - probably fantasizing about the pain he would cause me. In the time I was watching him, he didn't move. The only that signaled he was alive was his breaths. They were ever so small that the only indication that he was even breathing was the little cloud of condensation he released every thirty seconds or so.

His breath showing in the air confirmed to me that I should be cold. Why wasn't I cold? Did I still have my arms? I wiggled my fingers, yep. My legs? I wiggled my toes, yep. I couldn't understand why I was warm or at least, not cold. Was I numb? No, because I could feel the air on my stomach. Maybe I still had adrenaline pumping through my body, I mean I didn't actually know how long I had been out for.

My shifting around must have stirred Mason out of his trance because I was greeted by his grey eyes once again.

Slowly lifting himself from the chair, he made his way to where I was restrained. His eyes were cold. They were annoyed. They weren't forgiving.

"I told you Annalise." he raised his hand and stroked the hair behind my ear.

"I told you not to run. But what did you do?" He lowered his face to mine and paused like he wanted an answer.

"Did you want me to answer?" I should have just kept my mouth shut.

A forceful slap met the right side of my face. Burning sensations ran all over my cheek as he glared at me.

"I will always find you." He stood up and started circling the table I was on.

"Of course you didn't listen. You just had to try. I must say though, I am fascinated that you thought you had a shot at escaping me." He paused as he fiddled with something over at the cabinets on the wall.

"Did you really think that you could ever outsmart me? Outrun me?" turning around to face me again, he raised an eyebrow.

I left this question unanswered, my left cheek not wanting to feel the same pain as my right.

"Well let me tell you, something baby. No matter where you go. No matter who you got to. No matter how much you want to leave me. That is never going to happen." He strode back over to the table and lowered himself to my ear

"I have always liked the chase."

After my first comment, I remained silent for his speech, not wanting to discover what would happen if I fueled his anger further. The restraints were cutting into my wrists and ankles. I started to squirm, hoping to break free but I only earned a deep chuckle from Mason.

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