Chapter 8: The towel

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I threw back the covers to check I hadn't bled on the bed and to my surprise, I hadn't. I was sure that with my luck it would have looked like someone was murdered where I slept. I wasn't sure when or if Mason would come back, so I rushed over to the bathroom. Jamming the chair back under the door handle and began undressing.

Before turning on the shower I looked for something to use, but of course, I didn't find anything. Leave it to Mason to kidnap and WOMEN and not have anything for when her insides are falling out. Ughhh, now I would have to go and find him and tell him.

I turned on the shower for the second time in less than eight hours and began to clean myself. Once I felt a little bit better and a lot cleaner I hoped out of the shower. There was no way I was putting my, well his, dirty clothes back on so I would just have to hope that he wasn't in the room.

Once the towel was tightly wrapped around me, it just reached my mid-thigh. Not ideal but what else was there? I removed the chair and opened the door. Just as I stepped into the room, Mason came in through the door leading to the hallway and saw me. Oh shit. Here I was basically naked and it was just my luck that right at that moment, he walked in.

His eyes lit with desire as he stalked over to me. For every step he took forward, I took one back until he had me pinned against the wall. Feeling my face heat up, I turned my head to the side. It wasn't every day a stranger saw me practically naked and even though I hated to admit it, he was good-looking.

He towered over me. His arms trapped my head and I could see his muscles defining through his shirt. His blue eyes sparkled at me and a small smile crept onto his face. Stubble lined his chin and his sharp jawline. Turning my head back to him, I realized once again I was at the mercy of him.

His eyes flicked down to my breasts, where I was trying to cover them with my hands and towel. Mason's large, veiny hand reached out in an attempt to remove it from my body. His eyes looked back at mine as if he wanted to see my reaction to his assault.

I swatted his hand away with one of my hands, while the other clung to the towel tighter. He grunted as he brought his head down to mine. He was going to kiss me again. No. No I wouldn't let him. I moved my head back but was abruptly stopped by the wall.

My head pounded as I reached one of my hands up to clutch the back of my head. Standing back upright, Mason let out a small chuckle.

"Good Morning, baby." he smiled

"Hi" I replied flatly

"How did you sleep?"


Mason subtly nodded at my answer like he was wondering why. But that moment of concern passed when he looked at my shivering body in my towel. He reached his hand out to remove the towel again when I snapped at him.

"Can you not?" I sneered at him

"Annalise, You are mine and therefore I can do whatever I want." He replied

"Firstly Mason," I said probably too sassy for his liking "I'm not yours. And secondly, I don't think you would want to."

"And why is that?"

"Because you prick... I'm bleeding"

He looked at me in confusion. I returned his confused look by raising an eyebrow which seemed to help him understand what I meant.

"Oh." He was a bit taken back. Like did he not know that women have periods?

"Yeah, and so because you forced me to wear your clothes they are bloody now. And oh also, you don't have anything for me, you know, to stop making everything red." I reminded him.

Mason had clearly never had a girl talk to him this way or about this topic because he looked quite shocked. He looked lost. He didn't know what to do. Without another word he left, slamming the door on the way out. I'm not sure why he was mad. It wasn't like I could control this.

A little while later I heard a knock on the door. Mason wouldn't have knocked so I told whoever it was to come in. To my surprise, It was a woman who looked to be in her late 20's. She saw me sitting kind of awkwardly and quickly shuffled over to me.

"Master said that you were having some lady issues? I brought you some things so you can get through the day and maybe he will let you go get some of your own." She stated, passing a small bag to me.

"Thank you." I replied, taking the bag from her hands.

I wasn't exactly sure about her relationship with Mason as she had referred to him as master. I wondered if she, too, was her against her will. If she wanted to be here. How she knew him. The questions in my head kept coming so I decided to ask her, because in all honesty, what was the worst that could happen?

"What is your name? Are you here against your will as well? Has Mason done anything to you? Do you know where are we? Who is he to you?" I hurriedly asked as I stood up.

"My name is Bailee. I'm not here against my will, Master is very good to me." she replied

I'm sorry what on earth did she just say? Did she just say that he was good to her? Had he brainwashed her, this poor woman, and this horrid man? How could anyone possibly ever think that he was good?

"What? Are we talking about the same person?? Where am I? Who is he?" I asked again

"I'm sorry miss, but I cannot tell you that. If that is all I will take leave now." She bowed her head and began walking towards the door.

"Wait. Can you help me get out of here?" I paused and she turned to look at me as I gave her pleading eyes, brimming with tears, I whispered "Please." 

"Miss you cannot ask me that again. If master finds out, he will not be pleased." She turned around and closed the door.


Hey all,

I think I'm going to start doing little notes at the bottom of each chapter. 

How do we feel about Mason so far and what vibe are we getting from Annalise - strong or? Also if you feel like it/liked the chapter could you please, please, please vote for it (makes me super happy).

B xx

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