Chapter 24

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-the next day-

The next morning Mason had woken me up. It was the 'special' day, where he was taking me somewhere, but refused to tell me where. I didn't get why he wouldn't just tell me. Even if I fought him - which I would most definitely do - He would still make me do what he had planned.

The sun was still rising as I began getting changed. Mason had got out some clothes for me, which were more comfortable than not, so my guess was that we would be traveling some distance. I had put some grey trackies on and my converse as well. Mason didn't let me have a shirt so I just had a bra on and he gave me one of his hoodies. Although I could think of things that would be worse than wearing my captor's clothing, it just showed Mason how much control over the things I could and couldn't do. As much as I hate to wear his hoodie, it was comfortable, but I would never tell Mason that.

Mason had been ready sometime before me, leaving me alone in the room. The sun still had yet to rise and my brain was still very much asleep. I tried my very best to be as slow as I could, dreading what might come next, but Mason knew what I was doing. As soon as I was remotely ready, he took my hand and walked me out of the house and to his car. He handed me some fruit, a yogurt, and a muesli bar to which I gave him a confused look.

"I wouldn't let you skip breakfast." He said smiling.

Yeah, but you would do things to me, far worse than skipping breakfast. I turned my head back to the food on my lap, inspecting it with my fingers.

"What is wrong, baby?


"Why aren't you eating then?"

"Not hungry." I lied.

"Don't care," he replied in the same tone. "Eat your food Annalise, before I make you."

I slowly took the apple in my hand as Mason began driving. I held it up to the rising sun. It reflected the light off its skin so well. It was weird. It felt waxy but the skin was glossy. Mason looked over at me, trying to work out what I was doing. I brought the apple up to my mouth and pressed my teeth through the skin. Satisfied with my consumption of the food, Mason told me to get some rest, which I ignored.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll find out soon" he smiled, with his hand resting on my knee.

I had thought about pulling my leg away from his touch, but he seemed to be in an alright mood and I didn't particularly feel like ruining it, just yet.

Rounding one last corner, we pulled up on a runway. A private plane was waiting on the tarmac. Like hell, I was getting into that. I had always hated flying when I, well when I was back at home. I always would get sick and the whole idea of being strapped in a metal box 35000 feet above the ground would just freak me out.

"Mason. Where are you taking me?" I was getting more panicked now.

My breathing started to become uneven and I could feel sweat forming on the palms of my hands. I held my hands in front of me to see how much they were shaking but Mason took them in his, trying to calm me down.

"Annalise, calm down. It is okay, you're safe with me."

Yeah right, when was I ever safe with you?

"No, Mason. I am not getting on that plane and I am not getting on it with you."

"That isn't for you to decide," he stated angrily

"You can't just take me anywhere you like! Come on, did you really think that I would just willingly go wherever you want me to? Think Mas-"

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