Chapter 1: Unknown

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George woke in a painfully familiar place. His body cramping from sleeping on the unknown surface. His back loudly popped but it only echoed voices like ghosts. It made George feel eerie. The place was eerie, per se. The white fog swirling his body like fairies casting a magical spell into his timid body. The coldness of the place gave creeping goosebumps up into his white pale neck.

"Hello?!" He called out but his voice seemingly echoes and disappeared to nowhere. He felt like he's having a déjà vu. He remembers this place. He remembered Dream or should he say, Clay. His beloved boyfriend, screaming and throwing words that hurt more than a burning knife slashing your skin. He felt his tears tugged behind his brown irises. He blinked the tears away and it surprisingly worked. His eyes stung like his heart right now. George's heart was like a blooming flower that has a million bees excited for its pollen and when the bees had finished all the pollen, the flower will crumble into nothing but dried petals.

He started to run into the unknown. He thought that he couldn't as a reference from the dream or nightmare or whatever you call it. He felt the fog and the unreal breeze hit his beautiful porcelain face and pushing his brown-like black hair backward. He ran and ran but there's nothing.

He stopped, propelling his body with his hands on his knees, panting like a dog playing fetch in a park. He looked at and was almost startled as he saw a silhouette of a building seemingly came out of nowhere.

He stood there and stared at the building, questioning it with where it came from like it's going to answer. He stared more up until he noticed the building coming closer. He shot his eyebrows up, uncomfortable and disturbed by the whole situation.

Is the building going towards him or is he the one who's going up to the building, just without knowing?

Those thoughts keep circling in his head like an eagle in a desert waiting for the chance to kill and eat its prey. Either way, he stepped into the front door. It was white wood, it didn't seem to have any paints on it. It looks like it came from a magical forest with fairies and witches living in it. The wood reflected his face but the texture was nowhere near a glass. He looked clapped and that's all he's gonna say. The small blemishes ruined his clear-skinned face. The surface of the wood looked shredded that if you slide your palms on it, you'd get the perfect horrible and worse splinters.

He readied his self for the things that might be inside of the building. What if there are monsters inside? Or mass murderers and psychopaths that are going to kill him? Oh, right he's already dead, great.

He threw his hands up slowly, forming it into a fist, and was about to knock. But before he did the door was swung open and was immediately welcomed with a beaming smile from a girl.

"You're George, right?" Asked by the girl, the excitement in her voice was very clear and obvious. George nodded in response not sure whether to trust the girl or not. But he chose to trust as that is what his guts are telling him. He chose to trust his guts because when the last time he didn't, things didn't go as planned.

The girl stepped aside for George to come in. George accepted the offer and stepped into the brown fuzzy doormat. He looked up and was surprised at how homely and new the place was. It was unbelievably pristine. It's cleaner than a clear crystal. The vestibule has a painting on the wall with the text 'welcome home'. On the side, there is a brown table with a matte black vase, in it was white and gray roses. Of course, George knew that those types of roses don't exist but he could only guess that this place is truly magical.

The girl closed the door behind me. She looked up at me, still wearing the smile. George returned the smile, not even realizing it as he did. There are these things that her smile produces. It produces home, comfort, and heat. Not the heat that you get if you stand right under the sun but the heat that makes your body warm enough.

The girl has black hair with two blonde stripes on the front. The girl is very short compared to George but it was average for women's height. George wondered what her name is- "Oh!" The girl started "My name is Niki" he handed her hands for George to shake it. "Nice to meet you, George" she added.

"Let's go" stepping in front of the way "let's meet the others," the girl said as the voices seemed to fade into existence. The voices transitioned like it was edited. It sounds like a lot of people. Like a lot, lot of people, or maybe George was just tripping. They started to walk into the living room. The voices getting louder with every step they took. They entered the living room. People on the couches talking and laughing at each other's jokes and statements.

The couches are black with yellow throw pillows the coffee table is glass and crystal clean. This doesn't look like a hell or heaven house but it looked very very modern.

A person seemed to notice our appearance as he whispers things to others and pointed his finger at me. George started getting uncomfortable as he saw the person whispers in the other's ear and laughed like everything was just a stupid joke. As soon as the others received the message they shot up and looked at me, eyes filled with curiousness.

George looked at every single one of them but nothing came into George's mind for them to be familiar. Every eye stared back at his beautiful brown one.

Except for one specific person.

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