Chapter 13: Venting

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George stayed inside the next day. Watching outside the window almost waiting for the bird to entertain him. But something else is already doing that for him. He started to contemplate the visions. Maybe he's a psychic or something. George sat there the whole day, not eating. His stomach growled at him but he ignored it. Instead, he decided to stare at the distance. 

The sun was fully set by now. It left a blue faded to peachy color and fade to yellow. The sky was amazing but George didn't acknowledge it for his mind was completely fogged off. He thinks he's insane. The thoughts making his head hurt so much. He tried to shake it out of his mind as always but today was hard especially since no one was there to distract him. He needed to vent so badly. He needed to let his feelings out to someone.

And that would be Clay. 

He decided to text Clay but as soon as he opened his phone, he saw the lock screen flooded by Clay's worried texts such as 'you okay?' and 'please text me back' and 'did I do something?'It made George's heartbreak and he's not lying about it. 

He texted back,'Clay' and his phone immediately buzzed like crazy. 

'OH MY GOD GEORGE ARE YOU OKAY?!!' The text from Clay said. 

'Yes. I just needed someone to talk' George responded. 

'I'll be there in 5' Clay said. George was thankful for Clay. He was happy that he had a friend like him. Even though they were just friends and nothing more, he's more than grateful.George didn't even realize that the clock was about to hit twelve(12) a.m. He didn't eat anything, keep that in mind. As soon as he thought about eating his stomach growled in pain. 

He saw Clay's car park on the front and he hurried downstairs, brushing his hair through his fingers. He was still in his sleeping clothes for he didn't take a bath earlier.He met Clay outside and for a minute they just stood at each other. Clay looked at him worriedly whilst George looked at him like he was going to cry. Clay immediately wrapped his arms around George's bringing him into a tight hug. The hug was protective which made George completely cry. It warmed him that he didn't felt cold anymore being outside in the middle of the night with sleeping clothes only. The cry was stressed and silent. George let the silent tears roll down his skin. He felt insane, maybe he was already insane. 

"You okay now?" Clay unwrapped his arms to wipe George's tears which made George blush and nod. Clay wrapped his arms again around the petite boy as he felt the boy calm down. Clay heard the other boy's stomach growl and it made him sad. This boy, the boy that he loves the most wasn't taking care of himself. So Clay will. 

"Let's go eat first okay?" Clay said brushing the other boy's hair that is blocking the boy's eyes. George nodded and he felt like he couldn't speak. All he wanted this whole time was Clay. 

Clay opened the car door for George and George took the passenger seat inside. Clay went around and sat on the driver's seat. He looked at George which looked back at him, eyes shining from the lights outside and tearing up again. 

"I'm sorry" George apologized. 

"No don't be sorry, it's fine," Clay said and smiled at the other boy. 

"I don't know I just feel like a burden to you" a tear slipped from George's eyes and he felt like he wanted to die right there and then. Embarrassed is an understatement. 

"George, please, don't think about that okay? You are not a burden. I love you and you are the best thing that happened to me and I don't want you to think about that" George didn't respond instead he looked away and put his eyes outside the window. 

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