Chapter 3: Event?

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It has been a month and his brain says that he's happy but his heart says he's making things up. He felt more complete and broken at the same time. It was very confusing. He's like walking in a black box without even knowing where he's headed. He's sitting on the couch in the living room, staring at the couches. The patterns and lines on the fabric seemed to relax George as his gaze follow each curve and line. He got distracted by the couch taking weight beside him. He looked up and was met by a smiling Wilbur.

"Hey, what's up?" Wilbur enthusiastically asked. George could feel that something's bothering Wilbur but he didn't asked for more questions. It's not a bad bother but it's more on the good side.

"Nothin'," George said and was mumbled because of his chin resting on his palm.

"So, are you gonna sign?" Wilbur asked and got George's attention. George perked up.

"What and Where?" George asked with furrowed brows, lolling his head on the side bit like a confused puppy will do.

"In the raffle show?" Wilbur stated but it sounded more like a question. Now they're both confused.

"Wait didn't Niki already explained everything to you?" Wilbur asked.

George sat there looking at his face, thinking what to respond. George did not remember a thing about Niki talking about the raffle event show. He muttered, "Yeah, but can you explain it again?" George lied. Wilbur sent him a suspicious glare and George winced internally as he noticed the other's look. He wasn't the best liar after all.

"It's when you will get a chance for a second chance-" he cut himself off.

"Okay that did not make sense, It's when you get another life and finish your "unfinished" business," Wilbur said, doing air quotes at the word 'unfinished'.

George heavily nodded and continued to stare at Wilbur's face, thinking it was interesting for a second, or maybe it was because he didn't know what to respond.

'Should I?' George asked himself. Should George even need to bother?

He thought that maybe they are content with the whole situation. Maybe they're having their best life out there in the overworld but he also thought about the pros.

If he would do it, then he'd see the love of his life but what if Clay didn't want to see George anymore?

What if they see him and they just turn their back on him and pretend that they didn't know each other?

Thinking about it hurt George. Maybe they already did forget him. He looked up at Wilbur and Wilbur raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer. A smile creeping into Wilbur's face.

"No," George said, he felt his heart aching for him and Clay for he thought that he's not giving them a second chance but showed no emotion with his face as possible but again he didn't know Clay's preference. He would do anything for Clay's feelings. He didn't want to be a bother and a nuisance. He would do anything for Clay's indulgence. Wilbur's smile dropped as he said that.

"WHAT?!" Wilbur stood up in shock, throwing his hands up, and quickly apologized and replaced it with a small 'what?' instead.

"No" George flatly said, sighing. His face is unreadable like a wrinkled QR code in a plane ticket.

"Why? Why can't you give yourself another chance?" Wilbur asked. Wilbur was right but wrong at the same time. George didn't want for his second chance. All he thought about was Clays.

"Just no," George said, he felt the tears crippled behind his eyes and choked back a sob, but Wilbur was quick to notice it.

"Oh, George..." Wilbur gently pulled George in his chest and let George cry on him. George let his tears slide on his cheeks. The water flooded his eyes and fell in his cheeks like the ocean swaying the sand on the shore. His heart ripped apart like- a million times already but his feelings don't seem to get used to it. When Wilbur felt George calm a little bit down, he pushed George and made George look at him.

"Why?" Wilbur asked again. Confusion and apprehension were vivid on Wilbur's knotted face.

"I'm mad"

George is not. 

"I don't want a second chance"

George's mind yells otherwise.

"I hate Clay"

George can feel his heart was slowly ripping. How could he say that to Clay? The love of his life?

"Oh, I know you don't" Wilbur started to tear up a bit being empathetic for his friend. Wilbur started to tell George a story about him when he was still alive.

"You know, I have this girl that I liked- of course when I was still alive. Her hair is like copper. It shines with the sun. Her ocean-blue eyes seemed to drown me every time I stare at them. Her smile is just the best. I like- no love her but since I am the president, I didn't want to bother her and I found out that she likes me back but did you know what I said?" George shook his head, still leaning on Wilbur with tear-stained eyes.

"I said that I didn't like her back" George looked up at Wilbur, eyebrows knotted more.

"You see it hurt me a lot. Like a lot. I felt so bad and when I died that's where I regret what I did but it was always for her safety and her sanity. I didn't want her to stress when she sees my stress with all the things that were happening. Until now I still regretted it but I think she's in a better place now, so that made me feel a tad bit better. I know how you feel George and I don't want that for you to feel because it's harder than you think. The situation with you and mine might look and sound different but it technically doesn't if you do understand" George nodded as he calmed down a bit.

"Now listen to me, George. Please take this to heart and let it sink in" Wilbur looked at George's eyes. Brown gaze's clashed at each other. Wilbur cradled George's face. Their expressions were serious.

"I've known you for only a month but I could already see how selfless of a person you are. You are amazing and I'll give you all the time that you want for you to think, okay?" Wilbur's words seem to make George think the opposite. George nodded and whimpered a small 'I'll think about it'. Wilbur smiled at him and patted George's back gently. George wiped his cheeks and stood up, walking towards his bedroom. His heavy breathing filled the hallway's white noise.

Wilbur watched George walked away from the living room. Wilbur will do anything for his friends to be happy. He'll be in their side for comfort presence or advice. Either way is great because he knows how it feels for no one to be there by your side. To sorrow alone and to be with yourself twenty-four-seven(24/7) so he made that promise to no one but himself.

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