Chapter 18: Hospital

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"Clay, I don't think that's a good idea," George said, his hands shaking, worried for Clay's plan. 

"No, I don't think you're right" Clay stubbornly responded. 

"What if he beats you up?!" George exclaimed out of frustration and distress. 

"I'd take every hit for you George," Clay said and softly smiled. Clay's words made George's heart melt. Clay was that committed for George and he means it. George didn't fight more for he knew that Clay will still be stubborn as ever. 

Clay grabbed George's wrist-of course the good one- and headed outside. They stood at the elevator as Clay clicked the 'ground floor' button. The atmosphere was uncomfortable and the only thing that George longed in this very moment was to cuddle with Clay on the condo. 

The elevator dinged before opening the door. The yellow lights from the lobby flashed at George's face making the porcelain skin yellow-y. Clay speed-walked towards the parking lot and George tried to catch up, fairly behind Clay. 

As soon as they hopped on the car, Clay immediately pushed the key on the ignition. Clay drove to George's house, speeding so he decided to calm himself down and reminded himself that violence is not the key. 

"Sorry" He apologized and looked in George's direction. 

George noticed this and turned Clay's head towards the road, scolding the younger saying, 

"Eyes on the road and it's okay don't worry just don't kill me," George said that made Clay chuckle. 

"Oh, I would never do such a thing to harm you" George just smiled and looked at Clay's face. 

The light from the sky reflected on Clay's face like a mirror. The freckles scattered on the younger's face were more than just a painting. 

"Like what you see?" Clay said and smirked. 

"Yeah, and what about it?" George responded and smirked as he saw Clay's smirk turn into a straight line. 

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Now let me admire you more" George said and turned his whole body towards Clay. He giggled as he saw Clay's pale cheeks burned with a rosy pink color. He made Clay flustered for the first time and before he even noticed, Clay stopped the car in front of George's house. George's heart started beating and his breath turned rapid. 

"Clay please be calm" George asked and got a stern nod from Clay. It was okay. 

Just after he blinked he was already facing the front door. It looked scarier than ever. It terrified him for no reason. Clay knocked on the door and created three thuds. The door swung open and it revealed George's mum. His mum looked... scared? 

"G- George?" His mum stuttered and looked like she was about to cry. She looked like she's in... danger. 

"You should probably l-" his mum was cut off by a shout inside, 

"WHO'S AT THE DOOR?!" His dad's voice was horrifying. He'd never thought that his dad was this type of person. I guess this was his true colors after all. 

The door swung open. His mum nearly swung with the door. In the door was his dad standing, heavy breathing, and smelled like alcohol. The sweat on his body made him shine like the dewy grass after a rain. 

"IS THIS YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND?!" His dad grabbed the collar on Clay's shirt, tightly that it might end up ripping. 

"D- dad stop!" George said and tried to separate the two(2) just to get a slap on the face and got thrown on the floor from the force. A red mark started to form on his cheek. 

"Oh you've crossed the fucking line," Clay said and took his energy to punch George's dad in the face. George's dad stepped a bit and punch Clay in the gut which almost made Clay lay on the floor. Clay went for another punch but George's dad caught and twisted it in the wrong direction, it made a popping noise. Clay hissed and cradled his elbow. George immediately stood up and checked Clay's elbow but before he did, he was pushed on the cement, his head hitting and made his vision turned black. 

Clay saw George on the cement, unconscious about what's happening. His dad looked terrified at what he had just done. Clay ran to George and sat beside the unconscious body of his lover and checked his breathing. Not even a second they could hear the silent wailing sirens in the distance. 

The police rushed to George's dad and cuffed both of his hands. He looked sorry as he glanced at his son's body on the ground. Clay was pushed by the paramedics towards the ambulance checking his elbow and bruises, some went to George. He felt dizzy from the mixed feelings in his chest. The paramedics let Clay sit on the bench inside the ambulance. The last thing he saw was George laying on the stretcher. 

Clay woke up and the blinding lights on the ceiling happily welcomed him. The memories earlier were more vivid than ever and he felt himself crying. He went to wipe his tears but accidentally used his damaged arm and he let out a wail. 

A nurse came rushing in just after a few seconds. The nurse had very bright blonde hair and the white uniform made his tanned skin stand out more. The look on her blue eyes was nothing more than friendly. Clay knew what the look was. 

'Oh, hell no' Clay thought. He didn't want anything but George at this moment. 

"Where's George?" Clay suddenly blurted out. 

"He's stable now. You don't need him anyway" she said and chuckled flirty like it was funny. 

"You know what? You're the one that I don't need. I'll find him myself then" She rushed towards him and stopped Clay. 

"Sir, please stop. You're being petty" She said and rolled his eyes. 

"Bring me to George. Now" He glared at the blonde girl. The girl rolled his eyes again and sighed.She guided Clay to George's room and Clay was excited and worried at the same time. She pushed the door open and Clay immediately ran to George's side. His cheek was a bit puffed out and a thick bandage was wrapped around his head. He sat there waiting for George to open his eyes at any moment. 

A doctor came to the room and was a bit shock when they saw Clay there. 

"Uhm" They started. 

"Are you?" They started, sounding unsure about the situation. 

"Clay, George's boyfriend" Clay answered and they nodded in response. 

"He is okay. Nothing serious just a small concussion. About you, your arm is just twisted and we'll do something about that later but it's nothing serious so do not fret and you guys can leave the hospital tomorrow if you guys want" they stated and Clay nodded. 

"So I'll give you some alone time, 'kay?" They winked and it made Clay flustered. He felt George stir in his sleep and desperately cling on Clay's damaged elbow. Clay pushed George's hands off him and made George shot up. He immediately winced in pain from the sudden movement. 

"Oh my god, be careful," Clay said, trying to lay George down on the bed again. 

"Are you okay?!" George said, panicked as he saw the bruises on Clay's face. Clay nodded, not finding the energy to talk, and only wanted to be with George.Not even ten(10) minutes later, George's mom bursts the door open and started to apologize to both of them, frantically. She said that it has been a while since George's dad turned abusive. She wished that she had called help earlier so this wouldn't have happened but George said that it was okay. The real person that caused this was George's dad. Only him. 

George's mum said that he'd be on trial tomorrow but there's a huge chance that he'd be in jail. George felt sorry for his father but it was his father's fault after all so he had to do this for the sake of everyone.

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