Chapter 8: Arrived

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George woke up to his mum's voice. George suddenly remembered what day it was. This is the last day that he'd be in this household. George's parents decided to leave Britain to pursue their children's dreams since his brother is still in college-law and George wants to find opportunities for his study of computer science. George sat up, faster than intended as he saw small black dots cover his vision, but luckily it all went away for just a matter of seconds.

George looked around his room and smiled a bit. He looked at every corner. The morning sunshine hits the shiny wooden desk by the window and reflected into a natural light that made his room look lively. He stood up, his feet touching the dirty beige carpet and nuzzling his feet on the spikey fuzzies. Even though it wasn't the best house, George will always miss this.

He felt like he's leaving all the memories he had made in this household. Well, technically he is. George shivered a little as he felt a sense of déjà vu.

His mum burst into the door and shouted at George,

"Oh my God, George please stop stalling!" His mum said as she dramatically threw her arms.

"Okay okay, chill!" George threw his hands up like he's surrendering.

His mum closed the door as George sighed. He looked at the blue suitcase and mentally cursed at it like it was the thing that ruined his entire life. He opened the suitcase, fumbling a little and confused by the locks but he eventually got it. He packed his belongings including his toothbrush and some clothes for a week. His mum said to only pack clothes worth for a week for they said that they'll just ship the other clothes over. His other clothes were already packed in those brown packaging boxes.

George threw in some of his boxers, shirts and only two(2) hoodies for his suitcase doesn't have any much more space. He closed the suitcase by the zipper and immediately leaned his back on the side of the bed, panting a little bit. He was speedrunning- no speed packing. George laughed at his stupid brain making up terms.

George changed into a gray hoodie and black sweatpants. He grunted as he lifted his suitcase. He rushed down the carpeted stairs and saw his meal on the kitchen island. He chomped his food faster for he didn't want to be left behind. He gave his mum the now dirty plate and his mum started to wash it. The sound of the sink water running prodded his hearing. It made him feel relaxed, he felt his body loosen up from the satisfying sound. It was like a melody in his ears. He saw his brother run down and shouting 'shotgun' to their dad like their dad would let him. Rules are rules, parents at the front seats and kids at the back. He hated it, they're not kids anymore- well, maybe except his brother. His brother is kinda quirky but he's funny, always funny.

His dad went inside and grabbed George's suitcase and shuffling it back at the trunk.

"You ready?" His mum asks him and he only nodded in response.

When he was already by the door he turned around and was met by... something he didn't expect. His eyes widen from confusion. He blinked and his vision was now focused on his house. The place that he saw looked majestic. It has a running red c-

"George! Get in!" His dad called at him, cutting him from his thoughts.

George looked back again and softly smiled. He was sad though the happiness bubbling inside his chest almost covered it. Almost. He clicked the lock behind the doorknob to only find that it was already clicked. He closed the heavy bright blue door with a thud that seemed to echo in his eardrums.


George woke up in massive pain throbbing through his neck. The side of his face was numb from leaning against the oval glass window. He felt a hand shaking his shoulder and he looked up to who it was.

"Bitch, wake up," His brother said with a hushed tone so their parents wouldn't hear.

"I was, Alex!" George said.

"Shut the fuck up" He added which cost Alex to dramatically roll his eyes.

"You're Welcome," Alex said and a sarcastic smile made its way to his face.

"W-" George was cut off by a female voice that seeped through the speakers.

"Please ready your bags and make sure to not forget any valuables behind." The speech was ended by a small thud on the mic.

Since George's and Alex's dad was in the first seat in their row, their dad was the one who got their bags down. People immediately crowded in the center and the shuffling noises filled the atmosphere. The plane cabin's white mist was now very visible.

They returned to their seats for another ten(10) minutes as the speaker told them. Some flight attendants stood near the exit. The door opened and made a hissing sound, illuminating the place near it with the afternoon daylight.

"You can now get off the plane. Thank you for flying with us. Good luck and have a great day!" The same female voice said through the speaker.

The atmosphere was again paved with shuffling noises and now mixed with footsteps. The people stood up, making a packed line on the center of the plane. George stepped out of the plane. His shoes stepping on the gray carpet, pulling his suitcase mindlessly as he looked outside. He admired a plane stop on the runway and the people waving a bright neon color stick. George couldn't tell what color it was.

As he left the tube, the first thing that he noticed was the hot weather. The people around them were mostly sandy-haired colors. The tanned skin made him thought about his existence. George was jealous and insecurities bubbled in his chest. Most- no. All people were wearing more revealing clothes for the hot weather and George was there standing and looking around like a lost person with his gray hoodie.

He felt beads of sweat form in his forehead. He quickly wiped it away but it turned into his hoodie sticking on his skin. He ran his hand through his now moist hair and transferred some moisture in his palm. George was not used and ready for this weather. He came from London with colder weather and the abrupt change of weather made his head hurt.

His family rushed to the car, empathetic about each other's situations. George didn't even know that they bought a car already. They entered and the smell of new car prodded their noses. It made George's head hurt more and felt more nauseous. His mum sprayed some perfume around the car like it's going to help. They rolled down the window and the wind made its way through George's porcelain-skinned face. It felt colder from the sweats and he sighed.

The car started vibrating as his dad started driving. The wind was now more intense and it goes from window to window.

'Hello Florida, I guess'

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