Chapter 10: Crossing Paths

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George watched his watch tick as he finally decided that it was already late. He got up on his chair with a grunt. He grabbed his now-empty cup and threw it in the bin- he meant trash can. Y'know, we gotta keep the American vibe on.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and went to grab it to be welcomed with a message plastered on his lock screen making the wallpaper blurry.

'George where are you?' The message said from his Mum. He could hear the concerned voice just from reading through the message.

He started to type a response, grabbing the door handle at the same time and pulling it. But just before he let the wind hit his face he bumped into someone as he felt the sense of déjà vu.

He looked up and was met by a tired and annoyed face of an angel- he meant guy. A guy of his dreams. A guy with dirty blonde hair. A guy with perfectly tanned skin. A guy with a perfect body that he could've thought that the guy go to gym. A guy with bright green eyes, perfectly rimmed with a black circle. The place looked odd. They looked like they were in a school. The bright lights shone through George's eyes.

George blinked and was met by green eyes. It was dulled because of something inside the guy. Almost like a seaweed color. George couldn't tell but he knows that that guy has gone through something. It felt like he knows everything about that guy.

His dream guy seemed starstruck. Their beautiful dull green eyes scanning George's beautiful face and landed on George's eyes. The green and chocolate brown gazes clashed heavily. There were some type of tension and George wasn't sure if it was good or not. The guy's eye seemed widened by the sight.

George knows that he's pretty but he can't help but make a mental complaint about the guy blocking his way. He shot the guy a smile still looking up at them and George realized how close their faces were. The smell of the familiar mint from the guy's heavy breathing fanned on George's face rapidly. George gave them a quick apology and walked out of the place as fast as possible.

When he knew that he was at least three(3) meters away he looked back just to see the guy in the same place that stood there, frozen.

George walked home and couldn't stop thinking about the guy. Why did the guy seem so shock? Was he just blown away because of George's beauty? Was he in love at first sight?

If that was the case, the feelings are mutual. George grinned. His footsteps on the pavement and the sound of the leaves swaying was now his background music for his thinking.

He felt weird for the déjà vus and the vision that seemed to flash just before his eyes. He questioned himself for why's the guy in his vision. Why's the guy looked so happily annoyed in his vision? His eyes was more vibrant than ever. Why does he even have small flashes in the first place?

George has so many questions in his thoughts right now and all he wanted to do was lay in his bed and sleep. He doesn't even know if he can sleep right now.

George was now in their front door and twisted the door now and fortunately, it wasn't locked. It made him irritated because why would they let the door unlocked and maybe even let some burglars in. It also made George thankful because he doesn't get to wake any people up.

He pushed it open, wincing a little bit by the noises it made that echoes through the whole unlit house and especially that it was empty. George walked upstairs in his tippy toes. Being the quietest he has ever been.

He opened his door and stepped in immediately closing the door and holding his breath waiting for the click. As the door clicked he let out a deep sigh and opened the lights that blinded him from the sudden brightness.

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