Chapter 19: Trials

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It was the trial. Clay's arms were okay now and healing. George remembered yesterday. George could only sit and hear the wails from his boyfriend on the side of the door. It sounded painful as hell.

He felt bad about it and Clay said that it wasn't his fault. If anyone, it's his father. George cried that time. If only he has taken care of Clay, this would've been avoided. Maybe it was his fault that he let Clay leave the condo.

Now they sat in the judge's room waiting for his father's arrival. George's heart was beating fast and debated whether to forgive his father or not. Three(3) policemen escorted George's father inside the room and all George could do was stare on his lap and swallow the building pile in his throat. Alex was beside him whilst Clay and George and Alex's mum were on the back.

The atmosphere was quiet. Quite that it could burst someone's eardrums. The only sound was coming from the soft humming of the air conditioner. New footsteps were heard as his cousins and other relatives came in. The smell of cologne and perfume mixing prodded his nose making him more nauseous.

The ceremony started. A lot of things were said but George could only listen to his heartbeat picking up pace every second. It felt like it's thrusting out of his rib cage and he felt like crying.

"George?" George shot his attention to the judge when she called him. Her face was serious as she did.

"Would you elaborate on what happened that day?" George's heart pounds inside his chest more as he remembered the bad memories that day.

George elaborated and he felt like crying while doing it. He hates being the center of attention. He kept his composure the whole time while stuttering out the words that he could only muster. It started about the day Clay and he met at the coming-out event and yesterday's events and he could only sigh out of relief as he slumped back in his seat. The wooden seat making a creaking noise as he did.

A moment of silence and George felt Alex shakily opened his hands on his head like he was trying to say something. The eyes of his dad widened for some... reasons.

"What is it, Mr. Alexis?" Alex stood up with his jelly legs and he looked like he's gonna to faint. His eyes started tearing up as he started talking.

"I- it's about me and my dad" the crowd let out an audible gasp making Alex want to hide in a hole and die. The judge remained serious.

"My- my dad started rubbing my-" he nodded like it was obvious which for George wasn't.

"When I was six(6). I remember every time that he does that. All I could do was sit and listen to him whispering dirty things in my ears. I felt like puking every time he does that to me. Every time I tell him to stop he just... doesn't. It hurts me physically and mentally. I've considered suicide but I knew that it's wasn't worth it. I stayed positive for 9 fucking years. He told me to not tell anyone or he'll murder my mum and my brother and those words horrified me up until now. I don't tell them this so often but I do love them and them dying just made me want to die too. I feel disgusting. I'm disgusted by myself just because of this bastard. I will never forgive myself for letting that happen and he couldn't fucking let his son be gay?! He's the one who's pumping a guy- not just another guy but his fucking son! I fucking hate him and I want him to die and rot in jail"

He stopped as he catches his breath for a bit whilst George was patting his back relaxing Alex a bit. The touch made Alex realize that some people still care about him and not doing suicide was worth it. It was worth it for him to see that terrified expression of his father. He wanted to spit on that face.

"Every time you do it you film it, I feel embarrassed. I want to hide my face from the whole world. I don't want to see that fucking face anymore in my whole life ever! And- and-"

He started again, pointing his index finger to his father. He started crying, a flood of tears came out of his eyes like crazy. He didn't know if it was from sadness or because he was furious. His heart slowly ripped every time he took a breath. George stood up and hugged Alex. He let Alex soak his suit with tears. He was very sad for Alex and more than disappointed with his father. He was glad that Alex finally found justice and the courage to muster up. Feeling bad is an understatement yet he couldn't figure out how he felt. He cried with Alex being the empathetic person he was and his heart clenched as he takes a breath once in a while. He was proud of Alex.




Alex was brave for it. For everything. George couldn't even imagine himself in Alex's shoes. That was just disgusting. He let Alex sit, still hugging. Alex sobbed and let his feelings out on George's suit. Alex felt the biggest relief that he ever had and numb at the same time. George glanced at his boyfriend, Clay.

Clay looked sorry for George and Alex. Clay couldn't believe that this was true. He thought this trial was just about the fight but he was still thankful and proud for Alex. He would've never thought that this would happen.

"Is this true, Mr. Davidson?" The judge asked and George's father hesitantly nodded. The judge hammed the mallet and finished the case. The people escorted the man towards the car and brought him to jail. The steps went from slow to fast. Oh, the relief.

The clouds blocking the sun moved out of the way and let the sunshine on the world making the world more vibrant than ever. The heavy atmosphere was now airier like an air-dry clay.

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