Chapter 9: Café au Lait

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George felt a hand shaking his shoulder. He fluttered his eyes open to only see Alex towering over him. George flinched at the sudden view.

"Wake up! Why do you always sleep?!" Alex exclaimed, shaking George's shoulder more aggressively.

George sighed and made Alex back away.

"And your breath stink!" Alex exclaimed and pinch the holes of his nose dramatically.

George let out a breath on Alex's face and smirked. Alex let out a fake gag and George rolled his eyes.

"Okay boys stop bantering and George make sure to brush your teeth after," His mum said from the front passenger seat which made George roll his eyes more as Alex snickered beside him.

Their dad got out of the car and the others followed. Their dad got the suitcases from the trunk as their mum went to the front door to unlock them. George and Alex stood there waiting for all the suitcases. The door clicked and made George lookup. The door was big. Bigger than George expected. The exterior of the house was impressive. The hedges just by the fence were perfectly trimmed. The color scheme was black and white which made George fall in love with it more.

George grabbed his suitcase and pulled it carelessly on the front porch stairs. He stepped in and looked at his surroundings. The house was massive! It's an open living room and kitchen, the kitchen island separated it. Just above the couch was a big chandelier. A fifty-six(56) inch flatscreen tv with speakers built-in beside the screen was above an electric fireplace.

George's mum might be a lawyer and his dad a doctor but he didn't expect them to buy a bigger house than their old suburban house back in London. Though their new house was more empty for the other furniture are still being shipped.

George walked upstairs, stopping stairs by stairs to pull his suitcase up, slightly gripping on the glass pane railings, sprawling his fingerprints all over it.

George opened his bedroom door. He grabbed his suitcase and put it on the side. As soon as he did that he rushed and flopped on the air mattress. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

'Oh right, brush my teeth' he stood up and walked into his bathroom. He posed in front of the mirror for a little bit like an idiot, sometimes doing finger guns and brushed his teeth after.

Six(6) hours finally passed by and it was already seven(7) p.m. so George decided to explore this place. So George walked downstairs and saw his brother watching Money Heist on Netflix. As much as he loves the movie, he decided to adventure instead.

George went to open the door and make a creaking noise which made Alex whipped his head around. They stared at each other for a good two(2) seconds as Alex broke the silence.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked.

"Oh, just wanted some fresh air, y'know?" George said, waving his hand around for effect.

"Oh okay," Alex agreed with a suspicious laced voice, squinting his eyes for extra effect.

"No- FYI" George started, dragging the vowel. "I'm not going into some weird strip club, so shut up" George finished and rolled his eyes. Alex slowly nodded with a sarcastic upside-down smirk.

George now opened the door just enough for him to fit his petite body. He closed the door with a thud and started his so-called 'adventure'.

The cold wind fanned his face as he walked and pushing his dark-brown locks backward. His muffled footsteps seemed to echo in the empty streets.

He looked up at the stars, some missing because of the street lights. That's why George love to watch the stars if the electricity was out because the stars are clearer to see in that way.

George looked back down and completely stood still. He saw him standing in a white gazebo, overgrown bushes surrounding it in a millisecond as he blinked his eyes. He thought it was just his vision playing with him so he didn't gave much attention to it.

He remembered his old house... and the vision he also saw there was kind of... similar. Not in remembrance but it's more in the feels. He doesn't know what it was. Maybe he's going crazy, but who knows. George huffed, reminding himself to stop overthinking. It was just his vision playing tricks with him and that's it... or was it?

George sped his walking more, looking at his shadow moving in every degree as he walked just above a street light. He kicked a pebble as he came near it.

George stopped in his tracks as he heard more footsteps, more voices, more car engines. He looked up and realized he was now in the town. The lights from the hotels looked like stars from the streets, per se. The cars in the background made some swishing noise as one passed by.

He loves the place so much but a specific store caught his attention more. White striped-green roof cloth just above the big window in front of it. At least three(3) cars on the parking lot were peacefully parked.

The confusing homely feeling seemed to attract his body to walk towards the entrance.

He gave the smile to the girl behind the cashier. He could swear that the girl's eyes widened just before she reciprocated the smile.

"Hi! How may I take your order?" The girl said as enthusiastically as possible for effect.

"Uhm" George dragged, his gaze scanning through the light menu.

George's brows perked as a coffee interested him.

"That one" George pointed. "Café au Lait?" George tried to read it but turned wobbly. The girl nodded as she sulked behind and gave George his coffee after.

George sat just in front of the window facing outside as he sipped on his coffee. The taste of coffee flooded his taste buds as he closed his eyes from it. The coffee was creamy and sweet. Just his type.

George looked out the window and watched the cars pass by.

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