Chapter 7: Depart

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Today is the day. George walked through the hallways. His slippers flopping with his feet as he walks. His friends were there too. Niki rubbing a hand in George's back to somewhat ease George's nervousness which for some reason worked. The halls were filled with George's heavy breathing and their flops making slapping noises with the wooden floor. What would happen to him? The thought swirled in his mind like poison making him nauseous on the spot.

They took a turn and they saw the wooden door at the end of a hallway that seemed to grab George by an unknown force almost tempting him. The wooden door seemed to call for him. The white light behind the door seeped underneath the crack of the door as it fades into existence. The tension was thick, very thick like snow in a Canadian winter.

The door made a creaky sound as it opened. No one opened it but some type of force did, but magical or not George didn't care because he was scared. Excited but scared. His other friends stopped behind him, startled. George turned around and brought them into the last embrace. The hug was sad but happy. Everything made no sense.

"Good luck" George heard Wilbur said as they lock their teary eyes. Wilbur was crying for a reason. It's not because he doesn't want George to go but something. George couldn't tell but the unhappy expression on Wilbur's face made him sad too.

"Be careful, okay?" His mum grabbed both George's cheek and made George look at her and kissed his forehead. George nodded making his tears fall. George saw Wilbur groan as the tears came rushing. George reassured Wilbur that it's going to be okay because it is. George had never made a hard decision but he knows that it's worth it.

George stepped towards the door. He turned around and saw Tommy and Tubbo crying in Wilbur's arms. George gave them a sad smile, but he is happy, of course.

George turned to face the door and he sighed. Bracing himself for what's to come. He was stopped by his mum.

"George one last thing," His mum said as she searched through her pockets. He pulled out a necklace. It was gold with an engraved letter 'G' which was made with pure crystal from the rarest corners in this place. His mum kissed the letter before giving it to George. George put it on and he felt protective. Mother's love. His mum nodded before He stepped into the room and was amazed by the sight.

The room was huge. There was a long red carpet running in the middle stopping just before the portal. The portal is white with black things swirling in it. The room looks super majestic. Two(2) supporting vertical beams just on either side of the carpet. The beams were designed with carved lines with angels and demons. Planted snake plants in clay pots were placed in the corners of the room.

A deep voice boomed through the walls of the room came out of nowhere which made George jump. There weren't any speakers. The man is practically invisible.

"George, is it?" The voice asked, it was very close to him.

"Y- yes..." George shakily responded. He scolded himself to calm down as he sighed.

"Today you are going in that portal-" George glanced at the portal. The swirling things made him wanna pass out. It's either because of his color blindness or maybe it was because of the nerves that are building through his throat. All he could do was swallow the rock down.

"To finish your missions" George nodded with his eyes closed. He was ready. He always has been.

"But there are disadvantages" George's brows furrowed from confusion. 'There were?' George thought.

"Yes, there is" the deep voice answered George's thoughts.

"You will get a new life as you enter that portal. But you will forget this place. You'll forget all of your friends and all of the memories you made in this place" The voice's statement made George's stomach churned. He felt like he's gonna throw up nothing but the sounds of gagging. He felt hot tears prickle behind his eyeballs but he kept it not wanting to embarrass himself to the person or maybe even God beside him. Crying is for pussies and he was one of them.

He's gonna forget his friends. His mum. Was he sure to leave what he made? Yes. But he felt selfish. He felt like he's doing the reason why he's here all over again. He thought Wilbur, Eret, Tubbo, Tommy, Niki, and his Mum, he might forget them but he will make sure to give them a space in his heart. They meant so much to him.

"Are you ready?" The voice asked and it was getting closer in his ears every time They spoke.

"Yes," George sternly responded clutching his hands, making a first. George's clothes faded into shredded fabrics. He never felt this cold in this place. This place made him warm, most likely homely but he needs to be with his true home. A wind passed through him that came out of nowhere, made him shivered. He did not know where it came from. He was sure that there were no windows in sight. The wind made him relax. Like reassurance. It felt Godly. He smiled as he felt himself relaxing. It was like a whisper from the heavens.

George walked through the carpeted floor. His foot buried through the fuzzy carpet at every step. He stood by the portal for a moment, looking back. The memories flashed again before his eyes. It made his eyes tear up. The familiar feeling of dying... Or maybe living? He stepped into the portal. His vision swirl, making him nauseous. It went on for seconds and after, he blacked out.

The darkness engulfed his vision. He felt himself loosening up on the soft thing he was laying down and swerved into a light sleep.

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