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no one said a word as the room tensed up, the whole atmosphere fell into complete silence. hyunjin slowly blinked at the unfamiliar name coming from jeongin, not knowing who he was possibly talking about.

"who?" he confusingly asked, drawing jeongin's attention to him.

"oh right, you don't go to our school. seungmin hyung's someone i know really well. he's also jisung hyung's cousin." jeongin explained, making hyunjin form an 'o' shape in realisation.

as felix listened in, nothing but confusion formed in his head. "what about seungmin? i mean, i know he and jisung are related but... what does he have to do with this?"

turning his head back to felix, jeongin continued. "which is exactly why we need him. out of all of us, he knows jisung hyung the best."

"but, does he know about all of this...?" felix questioned, addressing to the current situation.

jeongin thought for a moment before answering, "well, he doesn't know that we think this way about jisung hyung. but, he does know something about him we don't know about."

"like what?" felix continued to ask to which jeongin only shrugged.

"i don't know, that's why we need him." jeongin answered.

"but you guys..." felix began, turning to face changbin who was currently looking away in disbelief. "why are you all so determined to think this way about him? what about changbin hyung? he's really hurt right now, the way you kept pestering him to believe you all."

eventually sighing heavily at his response, hyunjin guiltily frowned. "i know... it's not changbin hyung's fault he's acting so defensive. i mean, if people said that to my partner i wouldn't let it slide. so i understand that it's hard, even i find it hard!"

jeongin said nothing as he only nodded at hyunjin's words, sighing as well. "i feel bad as well but, i'm only doing this so he doesn't end up getting hurt. this has happened to me before, and so has other people. i just don't want changbin hyung to experience the same as me."

"i see." felix nodded. "i truly understand where all of you are going with this. also changbin hyung," he added, turning to face him. "i know it's hard and you feel betrayed right now but, at least understand why they're saying this. they just want what's best for you."

changbin only bit his lips while continuing to look away, all males' eyes silently staring at him. after moment of thoughts, changbin finally sighed heavily as he turned to look at them.

"i know," he quietly muttered. "i was just being stubborn."

this made hyunjin softly smile, relieved that changbin was finally understanding their perspectives. "also, hyung." he called out in a worry tone, causing changbin to avert his gaze on him. "i'm sorry for everything, i'm not doing this to go against you. i really am not! it just worries me, that maybe he really is playing with you." he frowned even more.

"yeah, changbin hyung. even though it may not look like it and that he really does love you, he might be faking it. i know him well, he did the same to me, pretended he actually liked me. and i was stupid and trusted him, until he hurt me." jeongin sighed, not wanting to remember it. "but i've moved on. i don't need someone like him."

slowly nodding his head, changbin sighed once more. "i'm sorry that happened to you." he mumbled, making jeongin give him a reassured smile.

"it's okay hyung, i'm not gonna let it happen again. me and jisung hyung, it's all over between us. he means nothing to me now." jeongin explained, widening his smile.

changbin said nothing else as he continued to nod, trying to listen in. felix, on the other hand, couldn't help but smile greatly between them, glad he was able to help them.

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