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"seungmin? what are you doing here?" was the first thing jisung questioned the moment he left the building, immediately noticing the familiar male from the far distance.

he raised his eyebrow in confusion as he started walking towards him, not knowing why he was unexpectedly there. it was unusual to see him suddenly show up outside his university, nor was it normal for him to wait either.

just what could possibly be the reason for his unexpected presence? shaking the thoughts inside his head, he gave seungmin a small smile - not minding the questions.

"hey jisung, i figured you'd finish around this time." seungmin replied, returning the smile back.

when jisung had finally caught up to him, nothing but bombarding him with questions rested in his head. he wanted to know what he was up to, this was indeed strange and unusual.

"yeah, why? did you need something from me?" he asked in slight curiosity.

"actually yeah i do. aren't you meeting up with changbin hyung though?" seungmin questioned, causing jisung to smile widely at the thoughts of the older.

"i am but that can wait, what is it?" jisung continued to ask to which he gestured them to walk.

as the two males began walking to a park nearby, silence filled the atmosphere between them. jisung couldn't help but briefly turned to the younger once in a while, already wanting to know what it was he'd wanted. just what was it?

"this should be good." seungmin eventually said as they stopped on a spot, turning to face him.

"you know, this is really weird. normally i wouldn't see you waiting outside for me, there has to be something up and i really don't know what it is." jisung slightly chuckled, his voice somewhat shaking from the feeling of nervousness.

"well, even though we're close, we don't usually do this." seungmin reasoned as he stared into his unknown eyes.

"yeah we really don't. what's the reason for it though?" he curiously asked, staring back.

seungmin thought for a moment, debating where he should start off. there was so many thoughts and questions he'd always been curious about and now was the time to ask him; it wasn't a lie that it'd been bothering him quite a bit.

"i don't wanna make this long since you're meeting up with him but..." seungmin trailed off, looking around for a while before meeting his eyes again. "do you really like changbin hyung?"

"what are you saying? of course i do!" jisung smiled widely, his eyes glittering tremendously. "i like him a lot, he's the first person i've ever opened up to. he's special to me."

but to his dismay, seungmin sighed heavily in response. "are you sure? i don't want him to get hurt." 

"seungmin, i don't know what you're talking about. why would he get hurt? i like him and i wanna be with him." jisung continued to reason, attempting to assure the male before him.

"did you possibly forget about what happened? the entire high school years?" seungmin suddenly argued back, anticipating to see the change of expression on his face.

jisung smiled softly at his words however, shaking his head afterwards. "of course i didn't, i remember full well. oh! that reminds me, the other day we bumped into chan." 

his eyes suddenly widened in shock, hearing the name he didn't wanna hear. "what? you saw him? and 'we'? was changbin hyung there with you??" he asked in slight panic.

"yes he was, but don't worry! he didn't say anything to him." jisung reassured with a smile.

"and how would you know that? knowing chan, he could say any crap to him." seungmin reasoned, worried eyes staring at him.

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | binsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now