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"who was that person you were talking to?" hyunjin asked, causing changbin to look over to him in awareness.

"oh... he was just someone i know." changbin briefly answered with a reassuring smile.

hyunjin thought for a moment when he turned his head over to the other, not knowing what to say next. there was so many questions resting in his head but he wasn't sure if he should ask or not.

"what... did you guys talk about?" he unknowingly questioned, wanting to know more about it.

this caused changbin to stop on track at the sudden question while looking back to face him. "uhh, to be honest, i didn't know what he was talking about." his tone was laced with uncertainty.

"what do you mean hyung?" hyunjin asked with a confused raised eyebrow, not knowing what he'd meant by that.

changbin sighed seconds later, debating if he should spill everything to the taller beside him. after moment of thoughts, he looked at hyunjin with an unsure look, it was clearly written on his face. "he told me to be careful around jisung but i don't know why he was saying things like that."

"what? he did? also who's jisung?" he asked after hearing an unfamiliar name coming from him.

"oh he was the one that came to our cafe the other day, when i told you to go home without me." changbin answered, instantly reminiscing back to that night he'd suddenly showed up.

the moment hyunjin heard his explanation, he hardly thought back to himself when he eventually gasped in understanding. "that guy! i remember him even if it was for a few seconds. do you know him or something?" 

"well, i guess you could say that." changbin replied with a small smile at the thoughts of the younger when his smile suddenly faltered. "apparently they knew each other for a long time but it didn't end well between them. but when he showed up again, he didn't look quite pleased." 

"hmm, i'm sure he didn't mean anything strange behind it. just as you said, it didn't end well so he was probably referring back to the past, maybe this jisung person had already changed." hyunjin responded, eventually reassuring the older.

changbin finally smiled with a nod. maybe that was it, maybe there wasn't anything serious about it. despite not knowing much about the younger, he was certain there wasn't any harmful intentions about him. he seemed to be a nice person after all, besides his continuous flirting.

"you're right, i shouldn't overthink about it. what matters now is the present, whatever happened between them was the past, i shouldn't worry about it. he was probably worried about me because of it but i'm sure it'll be fine." changbin said, making hyunjin smile wider.

"yeah! don't worry about it much changbin hyung. even though i barely know anything about this person, i'm sure it was nothing to seriously be wary about." hyunjin continued to reassure, his bright smile instantly calming changbin.

"thanks for talking about it with me hyunjin, it really helped." changbin then replied, feeling the heavy weights being lifted from his shoulder.

hyunjin smiled even wider at his words, relieved that the small talk had helped him sort his feelings out. "anything for you hyung, was that the reason why you were acting strange earlier and when we were walking home together?" 

"yeah, sorry if i worried you. i couldn't stop thinking about it ever since but after talking about it, i can relax now." changbin sheepishly smiled to which he rubbed the back of his neck soon after.

"that's great! i should get going now, we're already close to my house." hyunjin answered seconds later, looking over to the familiar blocks that he soon realised to be his neighbourhood.

changbin averted his gaze to look around the surroundings before him, causing him to nod in response. "oh it is." he paused before lastly looking at hyunjin who never stopped smiling at him. "you should go ahead then, i'll see you tomorrow." 

the taller nodded happily when he carefully adjusted changbin's coat. "make sure you're wrapped properly, i don't want you catching a cold and then i'd have to do the work myself." he jokingly teased, causing changbin to laugh in agreement.

"i will, don't worry." he reassured with a soft smile to which hyunjin just smiled.

"okay then i'll see you later! don't forget to text me." hyunjin lastly said before waving goodbye to changbin, the male instantly returning it back.

as he watched the younger disappear from the block moments later, he smiled to himself as he continued walking back home, unable to stop smiling.

'it was just nothing.' he kept thinking inside his head, momentarily forgetting about what chan had told him that night. 

just by hearing hyunjin's words was enough to reassure him, he'd never felt so relieved.

that was when a random thought ran through his head, causing him to unexpectedly pause for a second. why did he suddenly this way? he was sure he'd never felt this way towards jisung.

why now? why was he so desperate to feel safe around him?

there was countless questions running through his head as he thought deeply to himself, not knowing why he was acting this way. was he already starting to fall for him?

it was impossible, he was sure he'd only seen him as a friend even to this moment and nothing more. it can't be, was he just overthinking it? 

'that's unlikely, i'm straight.'  he thought, shaking the unnecessary thoughts off him.

maybe it was the fact that he was slowly becoming closer to him, it was probably just a misunderstanding. jisung had been messing with him these days anyways.

"that can't be." changbin reluctantly muttered to himself with a small smile, eventually discarding the unknown feeling that was building up inside him.

"it's probably just me feeling a strong friendship with him i guess."


apologies for the short chapter, i didnt wanna rush things. summer holidays is here!

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