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it has been going for days straight and yet, changbin couldn't stop texting jisung nonstop. he just wanted to talk to the younger so bad, any replies he'd get would instantly lighten his mood.

even especially during his work shift, he would always find himself waiting for replies. he'd just rest his elbow on the counter whenever there weren't that many customers, just staring silently at his phone.

any replies he'd get from jisung, would always bring nothing but pure excitement and joy on changbin's face. he just couldn't hold it, he had to talk to him no matter what.

was it safe to say that changbin was madly in love with jisung? well, considering that jisung is already his boyfriend, the love changbin has for the younger only grew deeper and stronger each day.

as if he was totally obsessed with him, as if he couldn't last a day or second without texting him. almost like changbin couldn't live without him, even the desire to see him increased.

unable to hold back in his excited smile, changbin happily hummed to himself as he was texting jisung once again on his phone. hyunjin couldn't help but watch his every moves, noticing the changes changbin had formed everyday.

"urm hyung," hyunjin finally said with a small smile, walking towards him with a curious expression. "who are you texting to?"

"isn't it obvious?" changbin replied with a massive smile, unable to take his eyes off the screen. "my boyfriend of course."

"you really do love him." the taller eventually responded, his smile seemed a bit faint.

continuing to hum joyfully to himself, changbin nodded. "i just wanna text him all day."

"what about work though? we still have customers here and you can always text him afterwards." hyunjin worriedly said, looking over to changbin with uncertainty. "maybe you should get off your phone for a bit-"

"it's fine hyunjin, there aren't that many customers here anyways." changbin interrupted, lightly giggling at the text jisung sent him.

hyunjin couldn't help but release a helpess, small sigh and nodded. "alright hyung, but don't get too distracted with your phone. if the boss finds out, we'll be in trouble."

"don't worry hyunjin," changbin nonchalantly reassured, finally turning towards him moments later. "he won't find out, besides, i'm good at not getting caught."

"i hope so. i just don't want you getting in trouble because you're almost always on your phone." hyunjin reasoned, causing changbin to smile.

"thanks but, don't need to worry about me. just focus on the customers." changbin reassured, eventually turning back to his phone.

having no choice but to give in, hyunjin lastly gave him a small smile. "okay hyung." he said, turning back to resume his work.

changbin, on the other hand, couldn't stop blushing and smiling so hard at the replies he was getting. was this getting a bit too much for him to handle? absolutely not.

in fact, he loved it so much. receiving this much love and attention everytime, changbin loved every single replies jisung was giving him. texting the younger was his most favourite thing to do.

and he was sure that jisung felt the same way.

hannie ❤️

> do you know how much i wanna come over to your work place and just have you all to myself? 😚

changbin hardly blushed at the text he'd just received, his cheeks were now full on red. how was jisung so good with his words? he didn't know, and that would always be a plain, old mystery to him.

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