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"hyunjin hyung, where did you go?" was the first thing he heard the moment he stepped into changbin's house. turning around to meet jeongin's eyes, hyunjin smiled back.

"oh, it was nothing. just went out for a walk." hyunjin intentionally lied, not wanting to mention the fact that he'd literally came back from jisung's.

it would be a terrible idea to straight off tell them, nobody would've approved of that. especially not changbin, after everything he'd done to him. he couldn't, and he's not gonna say.

"okay." jeongin only said with no suspicions, sighing heavily afterwards. "now what?"

"i don't know..." hyunjin frowned, turning to face changbin in guilt. "hyung, i'm so sorry."

this made changbin helplessly smile at him, shaking his head. "i-it's okay, i just need more time to recover and move on." he sighed.

"you really don't deserve this." jeongin frowned, still unable to process everything that's happened.

just why? why did all of this have to happen? from losing his bestest friend to also losing the one person he'd loved so much. did it really hurt this much? love, that is.

changbin just couldn't get it, what did he do to deserve all of this? did he do something wrong? did he say or do something that potentially caused jisung to do this to him?

he was pretty sure all he gave was love and respect, he was sure he'd been the most caring and understanding boyfriend ever. was that not enough? was he not enough?

if that wasn't the case, then what was? what could be jisung's real intention for all of this? did he even love him in the first place? was he just playing with him?

as much as changbin was pissed off yet heartbroken by jisung's unforgettable actions, he was also confused. in fact, he wanted to know so badly for the reason for all of this to be. should he confront him?

actually, is that even a good idea? how was he gonna face him now after everything that's happened? was he even ready?

why was he even more afraid to know the answer? or maybe, they were right about jisung just doing it for pleasure. because he was a playboy. or could it be something more than he'd ever imagined?

if only he knew.

"changbin hyung?" hyunjin unknowingly called out, this bringing changbin's attention.

"y-yeah?" he sniffed after taking moments of recollecting himself.

changbin's eyes were still red and puffy, his voice still broken and torn. well, this was gonna take much longer than he'd thought.

"are you okay? you seem to be spacing out a lot." hyunjin sadly frowned.

only shrugging back, changbin quietly mumbled. "i mean, do i even look okay to you?"

luckily, hyunjin caught his words and frowned even more. he was unable to bear it any longer. "i'm really sorry hyung, i just... don't know what to do..."

"i'm okay," changbin interrupted and stood up, about to walk away when they soon heard a knock on the door.

"i'll get it." jeongin replied as he walked towards the door, opening it moments later.

the moment the door opened, revealing a concerned seungmin, changbin instantly met eyes with him. "o-oh... seungmin..."

seungmin bitterly smiled at the greeting, holding a bag of items in one of his hands. "hey, i came to check on you. you know, after everything."

"oh yeah, sure..." changbin could only mumble back, looking away.

as jeongin opened the door wider for seungmin to enter, he immediately turned to face him. "how's changbin hyung doing?" he quietly whispered.

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