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"fuck..." felix guiltily muttered as he roughly ruffled his hair, turning to face jisung with worried eyes. "what do we do now?" 

"what do you mean what do we do now? there's nothing we can do." jisung nonchalantly shrugged, smiling at him moments later. "since it's over between me and him now, that means we can be together-"

"are you kidding me?" felix scoffed in disbelief, eyeing him hard. "are you seriously gonna act this way? also, why aren't you chasing after him? don't you love him-"

"love him?" jisung cut him off, only chuckling to himself. "you really think i still love him after everything we've done so far?"

felix couldn't help but darkly scoff in disbelief, turning to meet his eyes. "i can't believe you..."

only casually shrugging to himself, jisung continued. "and i can't believe you. you're his best friend and yet, here you are, in bed with me. it's not only me that hurt him, you did as well."

this caught felix off guard, nervously biting his lips. "i know... and that's why i feel shitty about it. i hate myself for doing this to him but at least i still care about him. but you... you don't even give a fuck, you're not even gonna chase after him and at least explain!-"

"explain?" jisung slightly tilted his head in confusion. "there's nothing for me to explain though."

"what?" felix muttered, causing jisung to shrug. 

jisung said nothing else for a moment, only pulling felix forwards to snuggle against him desperately. "come on, let's carry on snuggling like we did before-"

but to his dismay, felix suddenly pushed him off of him. "no, i can't do this anymore."

"what do you mean?" jisung eyed him. "do what? hey, don't you also want this too?"

"yeah but not with someone like you anymore." felix almost instantly got of the bed, now picking his clothes up that was scattered around the room. "this was meant to be a secret between you and me but now that he found out, i can't do this any longer."

"so?" jisung quickly sat up, eyeing him cautiously. "you're gonna end this now?"

"precisely," felix only said and started to put his clothes on him. "everything we've done so far, it's just wrong. don't you see that? are you gonna keep acting oblivious like this?"

"lee felix!" jisung called out in an almost annoyed tone. "are you joking me? don't you remember? you couldn't hold it back either, so you agreed to do it with me! and just because he found out, you're gonna stop?"

felix remained silent as he didn't say anything for a moment, only quickly packing his stuff away. it wasn't until he was about to step out of the room to which he finally turned his head to face jisung with a blank face.

"which is why i'm putting an end to this."


'what is taking everyone so long?' felix thought to himself, briefly turning his head around to see that he was the only one in the living room watching the movie.

with changbin and hyunjin leaving the room seconds after jisung and jeongin, felix only noticed now that he was alone. why is everyone so urgent to go to the bathroom in the middle of a movie? around the same exact time?

shrugging silently to himself, felix turned his head back towards the movie. 'is it because we ate too much stuff earlier?' he thought once again, his mind averting back to the screen before him.

maybe it's nothing serious to be worried about, they would probably be fine. maybe he should ask about it? or maybe it's not such a big deal. only continuing to watch the movie, felix didn't mind anything that was happening, only focusing back to what was happening in front of him.

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