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"i dare you to kiss that guy over there." changbin widened his eyes at the statement, his head turning between his friend and the guy he was referring to. he didn't expect to receive such a vicious dare like that, in fact, it was completely away from his mindset.

"w-what...?" he gasped, doubting if he should just do it or not. but if he turned it down, it would make him be called a chicken by his friends for the rest of his life and he doesn't want that, who does? 

"you heard me, so... are you gonna do it?" felix smirked before taking another sip of his juice. "or... are you just too much of a chicken to?" the older huffed to the response he got; he didn't want to do it but it would just make him a coward like what felix had said.

"i-i'm hetero tho! and i'm pretty sure he doesn't want a random stranger to go up to him just to give him a meaningless kiss set by a dare. also, what if he's hetero as well?" changbin folded his arms, attempting to defend himself. and possibly the male as well?

"so? what if he's not? you never know, he might only have eyes for guys. are you sure you're a hetero tho? it might change one day, you can never be sure." the purple haired male explained, not giving a shit about his worthless excuses.

"for the last time felix, i'm 100% sure a hetero. i've never had a crush on guys before and i don't plan to fall for them." he coldly spoke, already tired from hearing his same old reasons that never gets him anywhere.

felix then face palmed himself. he was already so done with changbin being so stubborn as well as listening to his lame nonsense.

"also what if he's already taken?" changbin asked with uncertainty. he was briefly glancing at the guy over there who was all by himself.

"i mean, look at him. he looks a bit too lonely to be taken by anyone. i think you have a chance." felix spoke, giving his friend a wink to which he reacted in disgust.

"don't be stupid felix, like that would ever happen." changbin rolled his eyes at the purple haired male. he was so sure that something like this wouldn't affect him in any way.

the other said nothing else but groaned, he couldn't be bothered to argue against the older again. it would just be a waste of his effort and nothing would be achieved.

"yeah yeah, whatever. so...? are you gonna do it or not?" felix proposed, just wanting to get this done with sooner or later so he can continue the game.

changbin thought for a second. should he just go over and get it done with? how would the guy react to all of this? is this really worth the risk? after gathering his thoughts, he finally sighed and nodded.

"fine, but only on one condition." felix gave him a sign to go on to which he did, breathing in deeply at the thoughts of deciding to do the dare. "let me borrow your computer for a week so i can play overwatch."

felix raised his eyebrows at the condition but nonetheless moments later, he sighed and nodded. "deal."

the two shook hands as to seal their deal. changbin took a deep breath while looking at his friend, he didn't know he was more nervous than he thought. he already knew that this wasn't gonna be easy.

"okay, i'm gonna do it." he said after taking moments to recollect himself again, he was far too agitated.

"relax man, you can do it." felix replied, patting changbin on the shoulder. he took a last deep breath before taking off to find the guy.

as his eyes lay on the lonely male that was over there drinking wine, he took each hesitated steps. countless thoughts invaded his mind the closer and aware he was near the male.

he didn't know how he had gotten himself in this kind of situation but he's got to admit, felix always pull these kinds of inefficient scenarios. and as much as changbin hated associating with them, he always end up doing it.

knowing that he is getting closer and nearer, he deeply sighed once more at the fact that he had actually agreed to the whole thing. he would have declined it but that alone didn't bring him any satisfaction.

just the thought of being known as a chicken was already a nightmare for changbin so he had no choice but to go along with it. for the sake of using his computer for a week to play his overwatch, it was enough to get him to keep going.

millions of questions kept exploding inside changbin's mind. 'what's his first expression gonna be on me?' 'is this really okay for me to do this?' 'what if he calls me disgusting and hates me for it?' 'why did felix have to choose this absurd dare?'

changbin was too lost in thought that he didn't realise he was already standing there, next to the guy who was sitting down and drinking his glass of wine. he immediately snapped back to reality the moment the male turned his head around to give changbin an intrigued observation.

"u-uh hey."

woopie, first chapter done. just felt like writing another binsung ff 😌

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