Daddd, stop!- (bh)

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recommended by -Bubbly-Snowflake-


Betty's POV
Life after high school has been nothing short of peaceful, 20 years ago i was 18 regressing over kissing my middle school crush backstabbing my high school lover. now 20 years into the future i am with the so called high school lover. happily married of 10 years, and having a child who is 16 years old, her name is Polly, after my sister who sadly passed after the trucker mystery. her body was eventually found the the swamp. I mourn her everyday but still honor her through my daughter who is turning into such a young lady. Jughead is still the english teacher at Riverdale High while i moved on to still work at the FBI which relocated to Riverdale but sticking to fully safe work because i am pregnant again! i know- 38 years old women pregnant- but we couldn't be happier with our little family and wouldn't change it for the world.

Jughead's POV
I woke up this morning to hear chatter downstairs i'm usually the last one sleeping because i tend to do a lot of grading at night, i continue downstairs seeing my lovely prevent wife and my little grown baby girl,
"what are you girls talking about?"
Polly turns red, "Um- nothing Dad just about some female things."
Betty laughs- "Polls it's okay, your dad knew all about that stuff from when I was your age." "Okay okay, you guys- i mean girls. gotta tell me"
"well hun if you must know Polly got her period and shes running low on tampons and i can't go get them due to the fact that i have work in 5 minutes."
I took today off for mental health and because Polly felt "sick" now i know it was cramps. "oh well i can go take her, but Polly you have to come with me- i don't know what kind you need."
Polly groan and a smirk grew on my face, "Daddd, that's embarrassing" Betty laughs glowingly, "you guys have fun figuring it out, i'm going to work" she kisses both of your foreheads and heads out. God i love that woman. "Okay miss 'i'm embarrassed of my dad' get ready we are leaving in 5 minutes" she groans again and stomps downstairs, I take a bite of my toast betty made previously- oh well.

5 minutes later-
After finishing up my meal and brushing my teeth i call down for Polly, "come on Polls! it's time to go!" "Daddd please just get what you think is right i don't want to go!" "Polls! Not up for discussion, let's go!" she grumbled downstairs, "let's get this done dad." uh oh here comes the attitude. we head to the car and get the Walgreens. we head to the feminine section, to lighten the mood I hold up women diapers "I needed this, I couldn't find them anywhere!" "Daddd, stop!" she giggles, she picks out the tampons and we head to the chocolate section and also grab a tub of ice cream, checking out we head to the car and i ask her "you happy now?" she smiles and nods popping a M&M into her mouth, "very!".

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