Guys...- (bh)

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Recommended by; bughead1887


Betty's POV
Throwing up every morning, no period for the past two months, terrible food combo cravings. the signs point to- pregnant. i have the test. i peed on it. 60 seconds left, 59 seconds left, 58 seconds left, 57 seconds left. tears falling down my face. i cant do this, i cant handle this, my mom would think i'm a failure just like her in high school just like polly in high school. god what if i go to the sisters. no no no stop thinking like that betty you closed them down, Beep Beep Beep! oh god i should wait to tell jughead then we could look together, no. i don't want to lead him into a stressful situation only for it to be a false. i slowly turn it over.
no no no no.
i pick up my phone, I tapped Jugheads contact and call him "Hey betts i'm just getting ready for prom tonight, you ready early or something?" prom, oh my god i forgot. "Jug- you need to come over now. please i need you." "i'm coming now Betty. you are okay? are you hurt?" "juggie i just need you right now. please" he's silent. it's silent for three more minutes of just me sobbing and then he hangs up, my door opens and he's there he's about to engulf me in a hug when he sees the test. he looks at me then back at the test. "Betts-" i shake my head in denial. "i-we can't be parents juggie. oh my god we are teens! i cant be a parent!" he then holds me in a hug and we still sit there, holding each other. i get a call from veronica, "Hey B! almost ready? picking you up in thirty! we are picking up jughead fir-" "jugheads with me already v, just pick us up at my house and we will see you then." "alright b! is everything okay?" "yeah fine V, i really have to get ready so i will see you then" i hang up, "jug i need to get ready, but what are we going to do?" " do you want to keep it?" he asks right off the bat. "jug, of course we are, right? as much as we re young i wouldn't treat the child as a burden. we re keeping it and raising it, right?" he smiles, "i'd love nothing more with you Betts, now let's get ready."


Me and Jug are sitting at the table just making small talk about how we are going to tell everyone, especially our parents.  when V and Archie run over (No Barchie kiss) "Guys! come on let's dance with the queens" waving over to the two prom queens, Cheryl and Toni. "guys- i'm really tired-" "Nothing of the sorts B! get upppp! let's have fun!" i slowly rise up still in shock and unsure of how to handle with a fetus inside my stomach. "are you okay betts? is the baby okay?" I look at him and nod peering into his eyes only to be interrupted by a whisper scream, "BABY! B are you pregnant?!" Archie looks just as shocked, jughead peers over them "Guys..." i interrupt, "yes i'm pregnant, not intentionally. i found out moments before prom. right before V called. we are keeping it. we haven't told anyone so please don't tell." V hugs me as i cry a little. Archie also hugging Jug to show his support. we smile and all decided to sit and talk about names, the future, how to tell our parents and just have a good time not only focusing on the news we just received.

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