Its all my fault- (bh)

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Recommendation by: maddie_mariee1


Bettys POV
A rock, blood, dripping everywhere, all in his black hair, all over me. I did it i hit him. This hard plastic chair isn't even comfortable, i should go outside, get some fresh air, no no no what if i go outside and get bad news from Jughead oh my god he's in here because of me. i'm the stupid one who allowed this too happen, what ever happened? Donna? the woods? this is all such a blur my head is spinning.

Archies POV
Me, Veronica, FP, Alice, Jellybean and Betty are all waiting in the waiting room for Jughead. FP and Betty are the most wrecked. FP has just been muttering things to Alice while Betty is completely enhanced in thought muttering to herself tears falling down her face, i'be never seen her so distraught, I nug towards Veronica, she looks towards me, i point towards Betty not even aware that even alice and FP are looking at her, "should we help her?" Veronica nods, "we should get her home, have her shower, Jugs going to be out for a bit." We get up stretch for a moment then walk over to her, "Betty?" She doesn't look up, Veronica sits next to her, and rubs her back gently, "Betty? B? We are going to take you home, get you cleaned" Betty slowly shakes her head no- "Betty, Jugheads not going to be up for a while it's best if you clean up and head home, we will call you guys if there are updates" Alice says. Betty raises her head up "No." "Bet-" "No. I'm not leaving Jughead." "He's okay, he's with professional doctors-" "I know that, i'm not dumb. But i need to stay here, i need to make sure he's okay, i need to make sure that he will survive. This is all my fault." she starts shaking her head "no no no this is all my fault, i don't remember anything oh my god how can i almost kill someone and not remember" she gets up and starts pacing, "B. no, this isn't your fault this is those Stonewall Prep kids fault, B you did absolutely nothing wrong. Jughead would have wanted you to go home clean up get an hour of two of sleep eat some breakfast and then come back" she sighs, and slowly nods her head. she's gone through so much you can just finally see her wall start to crumble and she slowly makes her way to my car and we head home to clean up.

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