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writing this book has brought me so much joy and friendships and support that I never imagined I would have but all good things come to an end
and sadly this is the last of this book
I want to thank every single person who supported and continues to support me
but as a person I started this book at a middle school and now I am approaching finding colleges I have a job now and the world has become much more complex and I don't have the time nor energy to sit in my room and make a whole chapter I still am very very very passionate about Riverdale and I'm going to continue to watch it every Wednesday night for season five so if anyone wants to chat let me know
but to everybody reading this thank you for continuing to support me in way you couldn't even imagine there was a time where this was what was keeping me going
the friendships I've made from here and the time I've spent on here was not at all wasted
I am still going to be on this app just not creating any more content for you
thank you so so so much
feel free to contact me for absolutely anything


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