I didn't do this BECAUSE of you Forsythe. I did this FOR you.- (bh)

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Hey guys! This was requested by: -Bubbly-Snowflake- not really what u requested but i tried my best. :)
Enjoy. Sorry my writing hasn't been the best lately

Betty's POV
Trust me. I miss Jughead. But I can't bear the thought of these dangerous people, that he goes to school with, who he BUNKS with. I just know they are dangerous. But I gotta find out why. I am going to Stonewall Prep to celebrate our anniversary together. It isn't the best case but Jughead said he really needs to study and doesn't want the thought of everything from home asking him how he is. So we both agreed for me to go over there.

Narrs POV:
As Betty signs in she suddenly hears the one and only Brett. "If it isn't Jugheads beloved, Betty Cooper." Betty sighs, "Hello Brett. Might I help you with something?" Brett grins, "I mean, you are obviously here to see Jughead. And I assume your spending the night." Betty sighs heavily once more. You could obviously see the annoyance on her face just praying her boyfriend will turn the corner and save her from this toxic conversation. "Yes Brett. I am. So if you have a problem with that, go run home to mommy and daddy. Oh wait the only reason your here is because they got sick of you and sent you here." (Some random thing idek) "That's it Cooper your on my last straw. Wait until i tell him how much of a snotty bitch your being." Betty laughs, "Go right ahead and do that Brett. While your at him tell him I'll be at the vending machine. Getting snacks and he better have a movie ready." "So needy Betty. Jughead probably is sick of you." "No one can be of sick of a person more then I am to you Brett. Just pass the message. Okay?" With that Betty walks away.

Brett's POV:
After my conversation with the Cooper girl I decided she was a thorn to the Quill and Skull society. She needed to be gone. Tonight will be Jughead's execution of whether he can join or not. He needs to show real dedication. I might just put that to the test. After standing there deciding my plan I quickly call Donna, " Donna... I need GHB quick." (GHB is a drug that is used to make people faint. Google it) I quickly end it to advise the next part of the plan. Betty Cooper is going to pay.

Betty's POV:
As I finish stuff all the treats I got from the vending machine into my bag, I hear running. I quickly turn around to see an out of breath Brett. As he is panting he says "Jughead... Is-isnt in our room." I was confused. Where could he be? "Where is he then? And why are you running? Where is Jughead?" Brett laughs. "Jughead is fine blondie. But he is in the library which is all the way on the other side of where mine and his dorm is. I was requested to show you it." I nod slowfully. I follow him and we reach the library as we walk in i start to notice no one is in here. "Brett. Where is everyone? Where's Jughead?" The door slams loudly which makes me jump. Donna peers through.. "Stupid girl. When will you stop asking questions and just obey for once." I start running. "BETTY DON'T MAKE THIS HARDER THEN IT HAS TO BE." I quickly go into a corner. Hoping for some time. I dig through me bag finally finding my phone and I tap Jughead's number. It rings once or twice before he answers, "Hey Betts! Where are you?" "Juggie-" i start tearing up. "I need help they are after me." I know I can't see him but I just feel over the phone his attitude change. "Betty. Where are you?" The footsteps come closer. Donna is now standing over me. "Books." Is all i can say before i drop the phone and bolt. I turn the corner trying to escape the now running Dona and bump into Brett. I know Jughead is still on so I scream "BRETT! STOP, NO!" Next thing I see is black.

Jughead's POV:
After Betty says "Books." I knew I needed to start looking for something to where she is. I hear the phone drop which means someone found her. I hear screaming. Running and shuffling. Then one exact name. Brett. I hear a girl voice after a loud thud. I only assume it means Donna. I hear something about a phone and quickly end the call. I needed to find her. First things first I needed to know if she checked in. I was quickly met with the one face that I'd kill right now. Brett. "Hi Forsythe. I'm pleased to annouce that your execution to be submitted into the Quills and Skulld society is ready. And must be done at the moment." I roll my eyes. What does this have to do with Betty? I go along. This may lead to a clue. He then walks into the library. A memory of Betty on the phone flashes through my head, "Books." Betty was here! I suddenly see a row of what use to be shelves of books is now a large circle with a coffin with some chairs next to it that sat Donna, and then rest from my clasd and some candles. Donna steps up from a chair, "Welcome Jughead to the execution of the Quills and Skulls society. In this one task you shall prove yourself by killing whatever it is that is in the coffin. Now. It might be a human, it might be an animal, a precious item of yours. All you have to do is kill it. Prove your loyalty to us and join. If you don't kill it. You'll be expelled from Stonewall Prep. And never to show your face here again." Brett steps up with a oldly tainted dagger, "Are you ready Forsythe?" I nod slowly. What is in this coffin? The two other classmates (if you couldn't tell I forgot their names) grab ahold of the face of the coffin. Lifting it up I see her. Betty. Passed out looking oddly pale. I grow tears in my eyes. Not for the fact that I have to choose, but for the fact I put her in this much danger. I walk up to her a slowly wipe her cheeks their cold. But by the slight movements in her eyelids you can see shes dreaming. Donna and Brett approach me, "She was a hard one to catch. Running, screaming. God, so glad we can get her gone Juggie. Then it can just be us." Donna snarls. I look over to Brett. Tears now streaming down my face. "Why Brett? Why her? Why couldn't you just leave her out of all of this. This stupid society. Your stupid vendita against me." "Funny Forsythe. I didn't do this BECAUSE of you Forsythe. I did this FOR you." I quickly shake my head. "No! I'm done! With this society, this school, with all you PHYSCOPATHS!" I quickly scoop Betty and I grab her bag and jacket. I whisper shortly into her ear, "Your okay." And she snuggles up closer into me. I'll just get my stuff tommorow. Tonight? Well. Tonights for Betty.

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