People will get over it -(bh)

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This was recommended by marialouisa_x
Make sure to check out her writing!

3rd person POV

Betty and Jughead.

Serpent King and his trusty girl sidekick.

The two unforgettable lovers.

Thats what the Southside saw.

To the Northside,

It was Betty and Jughead.

Two bestfriends, knowing each other since they could walk

That was until Jughead transferred to Southside High,

Leaving his two best friends Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper in the past.

But little did they know, after Jughead announced his transfer Betty went to his trailer.

What was supposed to be a exposure of answers to the two best friends sparked a new relationship leaving the term "bestfriend" in the dust with the newly "boyfriend and girlfriend"

But little did the Northside know.

Jughead's POV

I couldn't wait.

Having to be at the Southside, 15 minutes away from my glorious girlfriend, Betty Cooper. Was hard.

But the distance didn't matter anymore. As Southside High shut down, leaving us serpents to go to Riverdale High. Which held the key to my heart. Betty.

As I was getting ready, i texted Betty telling her that the serpents and I will be two houses down from hers, around 7:30 AM. We couldn't be around her house because of her Mother, Alice.

All of us planned this weekend to walk together to school. Betty would show us around, which worked out perfectly because when Weatherbee was about to ask Betty she accepted it immediately.

Betty was worried though, as was I.

No one in the Southside knew about our relationship. And the exposure could cause some trouble.

But after tons of talking we have decided that, we will be public. So how we wanted to come forward, was we wanted to walk into school together holding hands. Showing a statement.

1 Hour Later

I texted Betty that we were here... Well at least 2 houses down. Not even 2 minutes later I see her sparkling self run towards us.

I engulf her in a hug and a peck on her check. We connect hands tightly and walk towards Riverdale High, with the other serpents trailing behind us.

As we entered I see Betty looking scared. I whispered in her ear, "Don't worry. We got this" I see her smile and she reaches up to kiss me. As our lips connect, I feel her smile grow.

After our 10 second kiss, we walk into the doors of the high school. You can automatically hear shocks and whispers spread across the school.

Betty's POV

I hear the whispers,

"Serpent Slut."

"I knew Archie rejected her but I didn't think she'd go that low to a Serpent"

"Go after the bestfriend classic slut move"

I suddenly know that Jughead hears them too because he grips my hand a little tighter, giving me the 'dont listen to them'

Finally we reach the one person whom you cant escape in Riverdale High School, Cheryl Blossom.

"Well Well. Elizabeth Cooper, with of course trash beside her."

I glare at her,

"I dont think we ask for your opinion Cheryl." I reply snarky like

"Well. If you want my opinion, here it is. Dump this Southside piece of trash. Or end whatever this is. Or, be kicked off the Vixens."

I stare at her for a moment. Then I slowly let go of Jugheads hand. I look at him for a split second and see sadness.

Cheryl smiles, "come on cousin. I knew you'd make the right decision"

I smile back. Stare at her again. Then slap her.

"If you'd think I'd ever give up what makes me happy in this world. You have another thing coming Cheryl."

I reconnect with Jughead's hand, and smile at him. He's smiling back.

We swiftly walk away.

People will get over it.

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