Prom Night TWIST- (bh)

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Betty and Jughead entered the prom looking beautiful. A red, gorgeous dress flowing from her sides, and suit that is precise and handsome. Nothing could beat their costumes. For entertainment the couple danced by , caught up with a couple friends, chatted about anything they could really think of. That was until Betty said she was thirsty, Jughead nodded for her to go, the couple had been very clingy that night because of past events. Jughead found his way over the Archie and Veronica who looked extremely close that night. Thinking nothing about it Jughead continued a conversation that they had discussed. Betty on the other hand had made her way to the punch bowl, she was half done filling her cup until a man in what seemed like a jester costume slipped her a note. Confused and on high alert Betty's immediate reaction was to find Jughead. But the jester not only delivered a message but he said a warning, "Don't tell anyone about this, and if you do. There will be consequences." That made Betty not only scared but intrigued. She immediately opened the note finding only to be sent to a simple task,
Go Out In The Hall,
If Anyone Comes With You They Will Pay The Price
You Have Been Warned

Betty being Betty, she became highly interested, obeying what the note said, But talk about bad timing. As she slipped her way through two Pretty Poisons that had been guarding the door. A teacher had been walking up the stairs. About to announce this years Prom Queen winner. At the exact time Betty walked out. Fast and at a slow pace. She then look down the hallway only to be met with the Black Hood's beedy green eyes. "Dad?" Betty called out desperately. Then all the sudden BAM! Betty saw smoke appear from a gun the Black Hood was now holding. Then Betty had felt a burning sensation on her right thigh, it became overwhelming. "Dad?! Dad, why did you do this?" Betty cried out. Betty fell the to ground clingy to her thigh, she screamed for the one name she would call to at times like these. "JUGHEAD! Please HELP!" At the time, the whole school was looking for Betty, until a shot of a gun went off. Everyone screamed, rushing to the doors that had now been locked from the outside. No one heard the scream from Betty, not even Jughead. Betty had now tried scooting her way to a door that lead to the gymnasium. But the Black Hood beat her. Putting a cloth that had drugs on it, knocking her out. It wasn't until the slam of a door that caught ball the student attention. There they saw it. The Black Hood, holding Betty Cooper over his shoulder, you saw blood dripping from each step he took, and a unconscious Betty Cooper in his arms. Cheryl screamed, Toni wide eyed. Veronica was clinging on to Archie who was trying desperately to get out of her grasp to get to Betty, Jughead started running towards her "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" "Well Jughead," The Black Hood called back in a mono tone, "She knows everything, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here," Leaving Jughead confused, he gently placed her on the stage. He was still her father after all. Jughead and Archie ran up to Betty who was bleeding profusely. Archie cried out, "VERONICA! CALL AN AMBULANCE!" FP had already been called, He was attempting to run after the Black Hood, but he was no match for the Hood himself, Jughead checked Betty's pulse. When he finally found one he then applied pressure on the shot. He was kissing her, trying to coax her back to consciousness. But knowing if she woke up, she would be in terrible pain, but he needed to know she was okay. The ambulance finally showed up. After a minute of hassling Jughead, they allowed him to go on the ride with him. Driving off with a worried boyfriend, and a unknown girlfriend.

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