2k: GROUPCHAT- (bh)

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Archie Andrews started a groupchat, Archie Andrews added Veronica Lodge, Cheryl Blossom, Jughead Jones, Toni Topaz, Kevin Keller, Fangs Fogarty into the groupchat.
Archie Andrews renamed the groupchat, 'Betty's Birthday'

Cheryl Blossom: Wow, mighr I say I am very suprised Ginger wanna-be made the groupchat and not hobo.
Archie Andrews: For your information Cheryl, it is Jughead on Archie's phone. Mine died.
Veronica Lodge: Ohhh! Let's change our names to spice up his groupchat!
Toni Topaz: I agree! Who else?
Cheryl Blossom: I will do with whatever my TT does... So I'm in!
Fangs Forgarty: Me too!
Kevin Keller: Me three!🙋
Jughead Jones: Guys, this groupchat is only for Betty's party. Not to socialize in...
Veronica Lodge: Wow Jughead...Thought your phone was dead...
Jughead Jones: This may sound as a suprise too you but guess what, therw is such thing as a charger...
Cheryl Blossom: Okay, Okay, Okay. That is enough from both of you. Veronica you can change the names but let Jughead talk.
Veronica Lodge: Deal.

Veronica Lodge changed Veronica Lodge's username too, Ronnie🔥👑
Veronica Lodge changed Cheryl Blossom's username too, Cherry❤🍒
Veronica Lodge changed Toni Topaz's username too, OG Serpent gal💢🐍
Veronica Lodge changed Fangs Forgarty's username too, OG Serpent guy💢🐍
Veronica Lodge changed Kevin Keller's username too, Gay bsf💛✨
Veronica Lodge changed Archie Andrew's username too, Gingerhead🦀💩
Veronica Lodge changed Jughead Jone's username too, Jug🍔🍟

Ronnie🔥👑: Okay, I am done. Continue Jughead.
Jug🍔🍟: Finally, so I was thinking we would keep ot low-key. Betty has beem through a lot and I don't want to see her stressed from a party.
Cherry❤🍒: No way Forsythe. My cousin is going to have the best party ever. She is turning 18 and I am not messing this up for her.
Gay bsf💛✨: Sorry Cherry but Jughead is right, I don't think it is time for a party.
OG Serpent guy💢🐍: Agreed.
Cherry❤🍒: First off dont call me Cherry second off does anyone agree with me?
OG Serpent gal💢🐍: I think a casual Pops get together would be good!
Jug🍔🍟: Agreed it is low-key and would make Betts very happy, in my opinion.
Ronnie🔥👑: Great! Dont make any plans what so ever on September 13th! (A/N See what I did there😉)
OG Serpent guy💢🐍: 👍
Gay bsf💛✨: Where is Archie???
Ronnie🔥👑: ...?
Cherry❤🍒: 🤷
OG Serpent Gal💢🐍:Jughead???
OG Serpnt guy💢🐍: I think I found them...

Cherry❤🍒: Awwwww cute! Well bye guys!Everyone else (because I am lazy to write the names): Bye!

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Cherry❤🍒: Awwwww cute! Well bye guys!
Everyone else (because I am lazy to write the names): Bye!

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