Broken Betty Cooper-(bh)

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So I was going through comments since my first one shot and part two of Broken Betty Cooper was recommended by little_rose_27 So go check out the first part!

Jughead's POV

Betty had been so broken lately. I see it not only because I am her boyfriend. But physically too. She just had no motivation in anything she does anymore. Her makeup, her clothing, her work, her friendships and most importantly our relationship. I would never break up with her because of this. But I need to help her. We all do. I can't sleep knowing she is hurting inside and refusing to let any of us- even me! Her boyfriend in, so I am determined to help her. I plan on having all of us- Cheryl, Archie, Veronica, Toni, Fangs, Kevin, and Sweetpea confront her tomorrow. She needs this. She really needs us.

Betty's POV

Wow, I never knew waking up was so hard. I can't bare to confront my family. Wait- I don't have any! My mother left with my sister, my Dad died. Maybe I can go to my friend and talk to them about it... Wait! They don't even have time for me. I have no energy. Maybe I won't even go to school. You know what? Screw it! I am not even going to school. Why go? I mean, I am ahead in all my classes, the only thing I may miss is my usual kiss and only kiss with Jughead for the day. He probably won't even notice. Nor would Archie, Veronica, Kevin or Cheryl.

Jughead's POV

All of us, Kevin, Archie, Cheryl, Veronica,Toni,Sweetpea, Fangs are in the lounge room waiting for her. Time ticks by and still no sign of my girlfriend. We decide to check The Blue and Gold. Nope. The bell rings for the next class and we all say goodbye. Kevin, Veronica, and Cheryl both have their next class with Betty. We made a group chat to text each other if there is any sign of Betty. Finally the bell rings dismissing the class, I look at my phone. Not a single call or text from Betty and the only text from the group chat. It is from Veronica. "No show." Great. Ethier Betty slept in, or she doesn't want to show up. We all meet up in The Blue and Gold because all the jocks were in the lounge. We all talked about it and we decided to go to Betty's house, hoping to see her their to confront her. Hopefully, knocking some sense into her.

Betty's POV:

After getting a very well needed extra hour of sleep I decided it was time to get up. I get changed into one of Jughead's sweatshirts and leggings I wore Converse as my shoes, and headed out to go to Pops. It always cheers me up. After walking there alone and deep in my though I arrived, ordering a cheese burger, onion rings and a vanilla milkshake to go. Thanking Pops I walk back to my house. I past by Riverdale High. Every time I saw that place I thought about all the times I thought I would be able to escape my home life just by sitting in The Blue and Gold with my boyfriend. Now, I see a hell hole rotting despretaly away from the students nagging in it. I arrive home. I was so hungry and just excited to eat. I have barely ate the past 3 days. I open the door, surprised to see all my friends turn looking concerned.

Jughead's POV

We all walk to Betty's house. They were all talking about a project assigned in Biology, but I wasn't worried about that. I was just worried about my girlfriend. We reached the Coopers house and knocked on the door. No answer. I had a spare key, but before I tried unlocking I turned the door handle. Perfect, unlocked. I walked in with the rest of the gang behind me. We called for Betty. No answer. We went up to her room. I saw her shoes missing, she must have left to get food. We wait about 5 more minutes until we hear the door opening. We all get up from the living and walk towards her. She looks at us surprisingly.

Betty's POV

"Jug? What are you doing here" I say. He looks at me with sadness. " We are here to talk Betty. Why are you pushing us out? We are your friends." I scoff. I walked into the kitchen and put my bag from Pops on the counter. I won't be needing that until later I assume. I turn around to see them behind me, "Jeez, you don't need to follow me." I push past them and go to the living room. " Betts, we want to know why you are pushing us out. We are your friends." "Jughead!" I yell. He looks taken aback but I don't care! Why are they pin pointing this on me? "Don't you see? My family is gone! I never pushed you back you pushed me back!" "Whatever do you mean cousin?" "Well, for starters. Kevin, Toni and Cheryl. You guys were wrapped up in that farm voodoo crap!" They looked at me sorrowfully. I feel tears flow down, "Archie and Veronica were to busy with Hiram and Wrestling!" "Betty-" Archie doesn't get to talk. I do. "Sweetpea, Fangs and Jughead decided to have kicks playing G&G so don't you dare say I was pushing you back." I was sobbing at this point. "You all were" Jughead comes up to me hugging. Whispering apologizes, he finally shoos everyone else away. Instead of what I thought was going to be a sit down of apologies, he just said. "Want to go have that Pops and watch that movie?" Boy do I love this guy.

Jughead's POV

Wow, I hurt Betty bad. I knew she wouldn't want an interrogation from me so I just asked her to watch a movie and eat her 'breakfast' from Pops. I love her to death and I hate that I hurt her.

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