I ruined it for us- (bh)

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Jughead's POV
I can't believe i'm going to be a dad. Betty isn't too far along just reaching three months and we couldn't be more excited, all i've wanted is to be a better father then my dad was and here's my chance. All me and Betty talk about is parenthood and how we are so excited to finally grow a family. although we aren't married yet we are engaged and to us, that is good enough.

Betty's POV
I woke up to the sun barely peaking through the curtains,
being pregnant does have perks like glowing skin, no periods, the chance to eat constantly without anyone judging. but i must admit i will not miss the midnight pee interruptions.
when i get up from the bed i feel a bit more pain in my abdomen area. that's weird, i've barely felt it before. but as i'm getting up it increasing gets worse, i turn to see Jughead sleeping peacefully, lucky. I don't want to bother him about it so i just walk to the bathroom quietly. i go the sit on the toilet pulling down my pants feeling something dripping down my legs through my sweatpants, great. I peed myself. i take some toilet paper to wipe the pee off my leg still having the pain get increasingly worse. i wince while going to wipe the pee noticing then that it wasn't pee. it was blood, i look and the toilet water and my underwear only to find blood everywhere in a fast walk i wince over to my bedside finding blood there too. the pain in unbearable at this point, mentally and physically. i knew what just happened i lost her, we never found out the gender but i felt it was a her, call it a mother instinct. or what was a mother instinct. now gone, my pride and joy gone. i go back in the bathroom and sit next the the toilet the stomach pain consumed me at this point so badly where i just felt like it was going to throw up, i did. i knew i should go to the hospital, clean up, wake up jughead. but how could i. i killed his child, i cant go out in public as a failed mother. i puke more aggressively not knowing if it was my mind or body making me do so. my bet is my mind. i hear a slow walk and a whisper "Betty?" and i whimper a bit 'oh god. not jug, as much as i want him in this moment i cant bare to see his disappointment' my mind turns back to reality "Betts? what happened? are you okay?" he's growing more aware, the sleepiness wearing off. i shake my head slowly how can it be okay? nothing will ever be okay again. "Betty... is that blood?" he rushes down to the ground with me seeing my legs drip with blood, i cant move, i feel paralyzed. i failed them, i failed my child and fiancé. he glanced back and me with a sorrow look. i start shaking my head, i can barely speak but i mange in a whisper tone "i'm so sorry jug, i failed you- i failed the baby. i lost the baby- jug. i can bare it- jug- it hurts." i'm sobbing" he's shushing me, "Betts it's okay, it's okay, tell me where it hurts- don't cry come on tell me where it hurts" i sob back- "everywhere jug, my mind, my legs, my stomach, i ruined it for us. I ruined our family, i didn't protect them enough. it's all my fault." he's pulling me towards his chest petting my hair which brings me much comfort "listen to me, you didn't ruin anything, it just wasn't our time, that's okay. we are going to mourn, we will honor are child, and we will try again. we will have that family no matter what we have to do. but listen to me with your whole heart- this wasn't your fault and never will be" i look back at his sobbing, "okay? do you believe me?" "i nod slowly pulling myself back into his chest, "okay-" he kisses the top of my head- "let's clean you up and get to the hospital- this is a lot of blood."

We mourned. We even had a little funeral just me and Jug, we will forever honor our lost baby. our little angel. we are trying again soon, hopefully this baby will stay to grow old with us. i don't know if i could go through another loss. but Jughead and me got through it we always will.

I am so sorry to anyone who has had a miscarriage much love and peace towards you and this is no way intended to offend or hurt you in any way form

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