Riverdale's Innocence- (bh)

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I was re watching Riverdale and I just got to Season 2 Episode one and I was inspired by that episode! I promise I will get back to requests as soon as I can but I think this idea was really good!

Betty's POV

After my almost perfect moment with Jughead, I went back home. Luckily my parents were asleep, so I went up and right to bed. I woke up feeling fairly perky. I decided to go to Pops to get breakfast for Polly and I. I wanted Polly to stay home and rest, but she was begging to come. So we both went to Pops. After sitting down I decided I needed to wash my hands. When I went to the bathroom to wash my hands I heard the door open. Curious of who could be at Pops at 7 in the morning I walked out. I saw a man with bolting green eyes, a black hood on, and a gun. Pointing at Polly. I walked slowly towards Polly. Suddenly a bullet rang out. No no no no. I jumped towards Polly. Stabbing pain, all I felt was stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. I heard Polly screaming, the Pops door bell ring out, signalling the robber leaving Pops. I slowly feel myself crashing down towards the floor of Pops. Then just seeing black.

Polly's POV

I really wanted Pops, Betty insisted that she would go by herself, but I wanted some sister time. After all I rather eat there then wait an hour for Betty to bring the food back. Once me and Betty sat down she said she was going to go wash her hands, I was just rubbing my belly. I was still in awe that I was pregnant. I was going to be a mom. I was ripped from those thoughts when I hear the bell ring signalling someone has entered the town famous diner. I looked up and saw a man, in a black hood, with a gun pointed at Pop Tate. Without even thinking about my reaction I screamed "HEY! STOP! HE DID NOTHING WRONG!" The man flipped around and pointed to point the gun at me. I saw Betty slowly, creeping, towards me. I heard a shot ring out. This is it. I was going to die. I was never going to see my babies again, or ever. I was going to be with Jason. Although that isn't that bad, I was just no ready yet. I never will get to say goodbye. This is it. After what felt like what should have been the death of me. I looked down to not a bullet in my pregnant stomach but, Betty lying helplessly on the ground. Bleeding out. I screamed. Betty, my sister, my only sister, my number one supporter, I can't let her die because of me. I screamed at Pop Tate to call the cops. After what seemed like a century the ambulance finally showed up. Dragging my unconscious sister to a gurney into the truck. I yelled at the to let me in. After a couple seconds they gave in. While they were hooking her up to an oxygen I called mom, "Mom" I cried out. "Polly? Dear what is going on?" "Mom... Mom, Betty." "Polly... Polly, what happened to Betty?" "Betty- she got shot trying to save my from a robber at Pops... Mom" I am bawling at this point. "Polly." I hear her start crying, "Where are you Polly? Where is Betty?" "We are in an ambulance going to the hospital right now." "Okay Polly calm down I am on my way." We hung up because we reached the hospital. They take her out and take her into emergency surgery, They told me I wasn't able to go in. They did a checkup on me and my babies. All of us were fine. I sat down and waited until Mom came. Once she finally arrived she hugged me and asked how were the babies, once I explained everything she asked the condition of Betty, " She asked me one simple question that I didn't even consider "Did you call Jughead?" "Shit! Mom. I wasn't even thinking about that? Can you call him please Mom?" "Sure honey."

Alice's POV

Why? Why was I the one person that had to be telling Jughead. No, I am not thinking about myself right now. This is for Betty. I dialed FP's number not knowing Jugheads. FP picks up on the second ring "Alice?" I can't hold it in anymore. My daughter. My baby girl is in surgery right now with a possibility of death. "F-FP.." I can barely make out words because of my sobbing. "Alice, Alice. What's wrong" I hear Jughead is the background asking who it is. I knew I need to spit it out now, so they can get here as soon as possible in case she doesn't make it. No Alice, stay strong, "Betty. She had an accident." I hear FP turn the call on speaker. "Betty had an accident? What kind of accident? Is she okay? Are you okay?" I hear Jughead freaking out. "I am fine FP I wasn't involved. But Betty... She is bad, There was a robber, at Po-Pops. He pointed a gun at Polly and shot. But Bet-Betty jumped in front of her. Oh my god my poor Betty" I sobbed. "Where are you Alice?" FP asked my calmly. How can he be so calm, but then I remembered Jughead. "The Hospital... She should be out of surgery in a little while so take you time." I hear Jughead yell about going now. I hang up and walk over to Polly. After about 10 minutes I see Archie, Fred (RIP Luke <3), Mary as she was over for some divorce papers, Veronica, Hermione, Kevin, Sheriff Keller, FP and finally the most distressed one out of them all, Jughead. He was the first one you saw run in. He ran up to the front desk and asked so many questions. FP pulled him away and lead him towards the rest of us. "Where is Betty? Is she okay? What happened? Is she going to be okay?" "Jug calm down" The Archie boy said. I wasn't in the mood for answering questions. FP told Jughead to sit down, he will get answers later. After about an hour Doctor Masters came out, "Elizabeth Cooper?" We all fold towards him. "She is stable. She punctured a lung and we had a rough time stopping the internal bleeding, lucky we got it to stop. She is awake, still a little drowsy from the medications were have her on right now to stop the pain a little bit. She requested for, Jughead Jones, Polly Cooper, Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge. But before we can permit any of them to go in to visit her we need a parent to go to the room first." I was hurt my daughter didn't request me but luckily i get to go first. "Can I take him with me?" I point to FP. "As long as he has a connection to the patient, sure." "I am her father-in-law" FP steps up. Great, now my daughter is 'married'. FP looks at me as we walk forward to Betty's room. As we reach her room I feel tears build up. I walk in and hear Betty scream "Mom!" I run up toward her and hug her. "Oh my sweet girl. I thought I was going to lose you." "I am okay Mom, Where is Jughead? How is Polly and the the twins?" I hear FP snicker, Betty turns her head to she FP "FP! I didn't know you were here! How are you?" "I am good Betty, but shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" "Why does everyone keep asking me that? I am fine!" With that I turn around to see Kevin, Cheryl, Archie, Veronica and most importantly Jughead run up to her. I hint for FP for us to leave the room. He says bye to Betty and I kiss her forehead and we walk out, Cheryl tells me Polly went home to get some rest. And with that FP and I walk out to the the other kids parents to talk about Betty's condition.

Jughead's POV

Once I found out I could see Betty in her room I rush to her room with Kevin, Cheryl, Archie and Veronica behind me. I hear Betty talking to my Dad until Alice turns around and sees me. I then hear Cheryl tell ALice on her way out theat Polly went home. After the door shut that triggered something in Betty. She sat straight up and was talking really fast "Polly, Oh my god Polly can't be alone. He can go after he. He will shot her and then her and her babies will die and then i will have no family. Lets go guys! We have to go get Polly! She could be getting shot right now! What are we waiting for?!" She tries to rip her IVs off. Archie immediately holds her down. And I try to sooth her down, But she just starts screaming, "GET OFF ME! I HAVE TO GET TO POLLY! DON'T TOUCH ME! HELP SOMEONE HELP!" she starts thrashing around. I signal to Kevin to get a nurse. A flood of nurses comes in and the just put a needle in her and she just goes limp. "What did you do to her?!?!" A nurse as calm as can be said, "She was having PTSD. It is common for them to happen when someone who was at the event or something at the event was mentioned. She will wake up in about 10 minutes. 20 minutes the most. If she doesn't wake up then just press the nurse button and we will see to waking her up." She walks out and we all just sit there. Cheryl pipes up "I am sorry guys I should have just told her out in the hallway." We all sit there in silence for about 6 minutes until we see Betty stirring awake. "Juggie?" "Hey Betts, I am right here don't worry about anything okay. I am going to have Kev get some nurses to check on you and then we can talk okay? How are you feeling?" "Jug why does everyone ask me that? I am fine." "Well hate to admit it to you Juliet but you were just shot." Bettys crinkles her nose in a cute way, "Shut up your dork." I kiss her nose gentle and hold her and tightly, she is going to be alright.


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